Cut me off

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Days repeated, every day ending the same. Dib would scribble and chicken scratch in his journal filled with scientific research- at least that's what he would label it as. To his embarrassment, his sister had found the worn out notebook when she was about to do laundry. Dib could care less for his dirty clothes, just spray some febreeze onto his 5-day-worn shirt and bam, good as new. Gaz found it absolutely revolting, and came in wearing a respirator mask, not wanting to smell the odor of filthy clothes and cheap cologne. Dib was currently outside doing who knows what with the green alien, having their usual pointless arguments probably. Gas rolled her eyes at the thought and recoiled as she lifted up a weirdly sticky shirt, and then shot an eye open when she discovered something hidden under said shirt.
A journal.
She laughed evilly, a little giggle.
Picking it up with her gloved hands, she flipped through the written pages.
She scoffed- it was just Dib's stupid "research". She did stop to read some pages that surprisingly weren't just information gathered up about the alien and his gadgets, but of Dib's own emotions and how he goes on through the day, which wasn't all that interesting in Gaz's opinion.
She was about to drop it on the unmade bed but quickly went to a halt when she found a page that was crumpled from what seemed to be dried up water- it was smudged and messily written on. Messier than Dib's regular writing. She opened her eyes and glanced around to make sure no one was looking (as if there was anyone else but membrane in the house) and began snooping. Her eyes widened.

'Who am I kidding? What am I doing anymore? I can't believe I'm so caught on about the stupid alien. Why can't I just be normal? I have no friends for fucks sake! I hang out with my sister during lunch and if I don't then I'm all alone just keeping my eyes on that- that dumb alien. Why am I so paranoid? Zim can't do anything to earth! right? His inventions never work- yeah I'm usually the one to stop those dumb inventions or whatever but still. Even if I didn't try to stop him, he probably wouldn't even be able to conquer earth. He's too dumb, so pointless. I hate his dumb gadgets. I hate his stupid leaders. I hate how I have no friends. I hate how my dad doesn't believe me and how my sister won't shut up about how much of a loser I am and about how stupid hi-skool is and how fucking stupid I am.
I'm done with Zim. I'm done with being a nobody and having people think of me as a weirdo, how no one wants to talk to me all because of how stupid I am for Zim.
I'm done'

Gaz closed the black cover and put back the book, leaving the dirty shirt back where it was above the journal.
No matter how much she wanted to make fun of Dib and make it clear to him that she thinks what he does is absolutely dumb, she is also his sister. She really does care about him, as weird as it sounds coming from her.
Stepping back, she continued to clean the rest of the clothes and left the room with an uneasy and lightly irritated feeling.

[A/N: OKAY THIS WAS A BORING CHAPTER BUT THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING- It's kinda just to clear some stuff up. Things will get juicy don't worry :,) Also this was very short ugh sorry- I wrote this during class bc I got the idea and was like KNSOWNOWKEKW]

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