Don't you go and leave me

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Dib's arm was being covered with doodles with a black fine tip sharpie.
He was currently in english class, and he wasn't exactly paying attention. Luckily, this class was pretty chill, and today the teacher decided to put on a video about Shakespearean plays for the class to watch.
Small planets and random bugs were being drawn on his skin, along with random patterns. It wasn't for the fact that he was bored- no, he was busy. His brain was so busy with thoughts of Zim. Zim currently sat on the other side of the classroom, in the front row. Zim didn't favor his seat, he didn't like being so close to the teacher but it was his own fault for being so destructive that he was forced to sit where the teacher can keep a close eye on him.
Dib on the other hand was near the back row, he had become a silent student for the most part. He tried to ignore Zim and his weird responses to the class and tried to keep his mouth shut from saying anything weird about Zim that would make his classmates think any much less of him. Sometimes he would let it get to him and would shout something across the class to Zim, in which Zim would shout back even louder.
Lately he's been extremely quiet though, and Zim has seemed to notice this. The alien in disguise fiddled with a broken pencil, his own mind also deep in thought about Dib. He growled to himself when thoughts of how distant Dib has become crossed his irken mind.

'How dare he just ignore Zim this way! What is he planning?! He is trying to trick me isnt he! Well, Zim isn't dumb! That earth pig can not trick me. I'll get to the bottom of this! He's doing all of this ignoring just to mess with me, he thinks Zim is weak! But I am not, Zim is strong and SMART. SMART!!!"

Zim stood up out of a sudden and pointed upwards to nothing, "SMART!!!"
Eyes shot up to where the alien stood on his chair, blank expressions boring behind the alien.
Realizing his mistake, he then sat down, his own face now blank. He resumed to messing with his pencil.
The students went back to watching the video, or whatever they were doing. Dib kept his eyes on Zim with furrowed eyebrows. 'What was that about?' He thought.
'He's probably planning something...I need to find out what it is- he's probably going to turn everyone dumber than they are! That's why he probably said 'smart'! He's gonna turn everyone brain dead so they'll be so dumb that they won't be able to stop Zim from invading-! He- NO DIB- stop- no, this is stupid. You're not going to do anything. Zim is just being his stupid self...don't embarrass yourself. But- no- ugh'
Dib slammed his forehead down onto his wooden desk, 'why am I such a mess?'


The blaring school bell rang, allowing the teenagers to freedom. Kids ran away from the building, relieved that the school day is finally over with. Groups of friends cornered each other, talking loud and laughing happily.
Dib passed by them, feeling a tinge of sadness for the fact that he didn't have the same thing. He didn't have a group of friends- not even one friend. Gaz no longer walked with her brother home, she had met new people who she befriended, and they intimidated her sibling. They all seemed to blend in with her; the dark clothing, the personalities, the gaming. Dib was in fact jealous, but he wouldn't admit it. He pictured having friends, being able to go out to have fun with them, talking about his interests without having them get bored or annoyed, eating with them during lunch.
His worn out boots made their way down the sidewalk, his dark eyes looking up to the sky in thought.
His day dreaming was disturbed when he accidentally bumped into someone.
"Shit- sorry-"


Dib sighed, "what is it now Zim?"

Zim straighten his posture, trying to look somewhat intimidating but failing. He stayed short, no longer the same height as Dib. Dib has teased him a lot about this before, in which the alien is upset about and shouts about how he'll soon grow someday and take over with his tallness- which won't happen, and they both know he won't grow.
"ZIM HAS NOTICED A CHANGE", he yelled at Dib, who was giving him an annoyed expression. He felt odd though, knowing that he was planning on leaving Zim.

"And what's that?" Dib asked, moving his head a little to the side in question. Zim pursed his lips for a second and slouched a little, "You've been distant- not that I care! I just- ZIM knows what you're doing!!! You are planning something ARENT you?? You are trying to get Zim to be weak! You are tricking Zim!"

"Zim, no- ugh look..."
Dib suddenly became a little anxious- how will Zim react?
He avoided the alien's eyes by staring downwards, his eyebrows furrowed.
"...I've been thinking, Zim...a lot these past few weeks. And I came to the conclusion that- that I wanna be a normal kid-"

"But you are a normal kid right Dib!? LIKE ME!!! Zim is a pERFECTLY NORMAL HUMAN. Your thinking makes no sense! You are DUMB!"

"No Zim- ugh- thats not what I meant! Let me finish. I've been thinking about wanting to be a normal kid and that means no- no alien stuff. Face it, we're going no where and you've been trying to "conquer earth" for years! I'm tired, Zim. I want to stop this, I'm not fighting you if you'll excuse m-"

Dib was cut off by gloved hands pushing him back, stopping him from going home. Dib snapped his eyes down at Zim, and his face softened with some guilt when he caught his expression. Zim looked lost, surprised, sorrowful.
So many emotions flashed through the little alien's eyes and suddenly; a laugh.
A loud, hysterical laugh.
"You're joking! Oh Dib-stink, you're so funny sometimes!! HA!! You can't leave ZIM! Zim knew you were kidding! Oh how hilarious!"

Dib stood with a little shock in his face, and slight concern, "no Zim I'm being serious."
Zim didn't stop laughing though, and laughed even harder this time.

"ZIM! I'm being completely serious."

Zim wiped a fake tear off his green cheek, and let out a long sigh.

"youre funny"

With this, Dib knew he had to be a little harsher. Zim was probably in denial, or maybe what he was saying was just not clear enough; even though it obviously was. A sigh escaped the human's lips and he stared at Zim straight into his eyes, "I'm. Done. Zim. I'm not fighting anymore. I'm. Done"

With that, Dib shoved Zim with his shoulder using light force, causing Zim to stumble back a few steps.
As Dib walked away, he couldn't help but feel guilt. Why was he feeling bad? If anything he should feel great! Great about leaving that dumb alien- but he felt so...wrong.
He wanted to look back, wanted to see how the alien reacts but he just couldn't. He felt a surge of embarrassment, why did he do that?? The alien probably thinks he's so stupid for letting him get away with planning on destroying the planet with nothing stopping him. Dib shook his head in thought.

Zim stared off at Dib who was now walking away from him. He couldn't be serious! That dib, so dumb. Why would he just leave!? He must be kidding!! This is obviously some sort of trick! He's manipulating him! That's it! But he seemed so serious? He didn't seem happy! He seemed- upset? Humans get upset so easily. Such weak things.

Zim walked the opposite way, away from Dib's direction. Zim's insides felt weird, so odd. Was Dib actually leaving? Quitting...? A weird aching sensation was now digging into the green creature's chest. His usual grin was now dropping down into an unsure and sorrowful frown.

The door flung open when the short alien made it to his house. Gir greeted him with a stack of waffles, screaming something about how good and sticky they were. Zim ignored the robot and closed the door slowly. Passing by his sidekick, he walked with unsure and slow steps towards the couch. He sat down with a huff, an agitated expression written all over his face.

Dib can't leave him.

(Word count: 1436)
[A/N: chapter title inspired by Yeule's song "pretty bones"-

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