Chapter 02: A Letter Long Unknown

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A Dwarf with elderly white hair entered later. He held a key, in which I haven't realized that my sight was so hungry for. I was shaking as he undid the lock. Thorin held my shoulder. "Ensuring that I won't escape, milord?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Taking precautions." He admitted, that frown still on his visage. I dismissed the thought and set my eyes at the door. "I wouldn't dare, laddie," the older Dwarf whispered closely beside my ear. I perked up, surprised. Thorin strengthened his grip, making me jump. "Right, follow me. Balin, secure his back." The Dwarf Balin placed himself at my back. "Don't worry, lad. I'll just be here..." he said, trailing off to my hands. "Your hands are quite small for a man." I ignored the elder Dwarf and proceeded to follow Thorin.

We arrived at a small inn. I read the sign that hung 'The Prancing Pony'. A group of Dwarves were about the hall, taking ale and food. "We had no other options," I hear Thorin mutter to another Dwarf. The Dwarf was tall, or maybe that's just because of my small stature. He had dark hair and little of facial beard unlike the other Dwarves. With my years of travelling, however, I knew Dwarves were measured in accordance of their strength and their beard. I threw him a questioning look, and he seemed to... smile. Wait, smile? Never knew that they could be that accepting. "A pleasure to meet you, master Etherstone." He said, and ran off.

The Dwarves soon sat on the long table. When everyone has settled down, the King set his hands on the table, looking out to every one of them. I sat quietly with a plate of food in front of me. Everyone seemed to have eaten though. I only looked at my food, as I was nervous. "All right," Thorin began, still having that scary, authoritative visage. "As you all know, Master Baggins has not accepted our invitation as our official burglar." The small group of Dwarves nodded. "Gandalf has suggested that we should have another. He spoke of a small pirate crew that travelled in the East shore. And there we found, Rolven Etherstone." His gaze turned to me, in which I was sipping my soup. "Is he an 'eater'?" A Dwarf with a fur hat, said. "No, Bofur. It's 'Ether', not 'Eater'." Another Dwarf chuckled, this time one with golden hair said. "I hate this," another Dwarf, with grey hair and braids, said. He held a trumpet. Or was it a pipe? I wasn't sure. "And why would you?" another Dwarf, with a very large, red beard asked from across the table. The Dwarves had uproar, everyone talking and chattering. Thorin seemed to look away, and then finally slammed his hands in the table. The group silenced themselves. "Moving on!" he roared. Everyone looked down like scared children. "Right, as I was saying," Thorin said, being a little calmer now. "Master Etherstone here is a pirate, of the infamous Scoundrels. The leader, as I recall. Do you know your origin, lad?" he asked me, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders. "I grew up on shore. No one to aid me. Then, orphans like me came. Ratter and Urdin," I supplied, suddenly missing those bad boys. "Where are they, though?" Thorin looked away. "They are currently with the Wizard." A Dwarf said. I sighed. Wizards are safe havens. The King stopped the silence. "It is clear that he doesn't know his family. The Wizard gave this to me." A piece of parchment was laid out in front of me, the Dwarves getting curious. The young, dark-haired Dwarf came to look. The parchment said these words:

"To Sir Gandalf:

You must be laughing at how ridiculous I've become, old friend. It's been a while. Certainly, I have been well. This day was the only day I could send you this letter of mine. And it comes with feverish news. You do know my wife, Elinor? Yes, the beautiful maiden that I once courted. She is now mine-well, it had been two years. Today was a miracle. She had borne two angels.

Yes, my friend. I am a father now.

Twins, which we have named (y/n) and Rolven. Rolven had his mother's precious eyes and my face. I just had the feeling that he will be a decent and a good lad. (y/n), on the other hand, had my eyes and her mother's little button nose. She'll surely grow up to be quite a charming lass-she's Elinor's sapling, after all.

Well, enough of the pleasantries.

After all these, I think after a while, I'll predict my own death.

It had been following me everywhere, Gandalf. Death's whispers. I do not pay heed to Death for I do not fear it. My family's laughter and smiles outshines even the Darkest day. I will leave after seven years. I have decided I will go far to ensure my family's safety-and their happiness.

I know I don't have the right to request something from you. But, I am now. My only wish, Gandalf, is that when I'm gone, take care of my family. See to it that they'll grow in bliss. I'll leave everything to you now. Thank you for being a friend. And, if ever you receive this in time of my death, please give it to my family. They'll know what's inside, what's hidden.


"Father..." I muttered softly. I was broken. I thought that he never cared. I thought he left my family and me. I feel tears pooling in my eyes, and quickly looked down. The dark-haired Dwarf placed a hand in my shoulder. "I-I'm sorry." Was all he said. The Dwarves looked at me as I fought tears. Thorin kneeled beside me. Shadows determined his action. He peered at me and twisted my chair. "Stay strong. Weakness has no purpose here." He whispered closely. I found new courage and stopped myself. Ratter and Urdin wouldn't want me crying over this. "Excuse me." I stuttered, leaving for the bathroom.


I looked as the young lad took his leave. He must've been exhausted with everything that has happened. But I hoped that he would consider this request. I fear that if he turns this down, I will never get my Kingdom back.

When he returned, Balin and I took him to a room that we paid with his own money. I was feeling quite guilty-after all, that came from their ship's treasury. "H-Hey-" he uttered, then I was thankful Balin stopped him. "Lad, we'll see you here later. Kili and Fili will be with you. " That seemed to calm the boy down. He surrendered and turned to enter the room.

+ + +

"Balin, what if he withdraws?" I asked, taking another sip from a mug of ale. "Cheer, Thorin. Cheer. That's what you need right now..." Balin said in singsong, clearly drunk. I moaned. "Never mind, I'm going in first. " I left the old Dwarf slouched at his chair. I went up the stairs, my thoughts not completely sorted out. I stopped short at Rolven's and my nephews' door. I knocked and Kili's voice echoed. "Come in," he said. I opened the door slightly. I did not dare go in-I had a sense of solidarity with the atmosphere. Fili saw me and mouthed silently, "He's asleep." I nodded and left, the door closing gently with a click.

I turned and went my way down the narrow hall.

The moment I laid down on the bed as I entered my room, sleep swept over me.

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