Chapter 8

637 32 16

March 6, 2020
1:00 pm

Minho's P.O.V

"Two more homicides, hyung." Seungmin walks into my office and sits on my desk.

"Two more? Fucking hell, when is this going to end?" I ask as I rub the sides of my head.

"So far, all the victims have either been shot or stabbed. If they've been shot, it's in the head and the suspect has been using two different firearms. As for the stab victims, they've been stabbed in the middle of the back with some sort of dagger or something. All the bodies are discovered near Han River, in the exact same spot with only the blood left behind. Oh and our witness is ready for questioning." He explains.

My eyes widen, "She is?" He nods.

"She is, she's coming in at about 3:00 to answer questions and you're asking the questions. I'll be in there to record everything she says." I nod, taking my last sip of whiskey.

"That's's been what, almost three weeks since the last homicides? She's the only person who can give us some answers." I reply. Seungmin nods and starts looking through the file again.

"Do we have any leads on what could have happened to the first victim?"

"First mean Mr. Han? Jisung's dad?"

"Yeah, has Jisung said anything to you about him? Anything that could give us hints?"

"All he's told me was that he came home from buying groceries and his father was lying on the floor with a stab wound in his back."

"Well at least he has an alibi...and a valid one too, the owner of the supermarket said he was there not long before the murder."

" don't be bringing Jisung into this. I care about him and I don't want him to be dragged into this giant mess."

"And by care about him, you mean you love him."

"What? Seungmin, that's not what I meant-" We're interrupted by a knock on my door. Seungmin opens it a little and then shuts it.

"It's your boyfriend." I roll my eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend Seungmin, just let him in." He opens the door and Jisung strolls in with a drink carrier.

"Hey hyung." He smiles brightly.

"Hey Sungie, what brought you to my office?" I smile in return.

"I thought you were working so I brought you your usual from the cafe." He hands me the cup. I take it from him.

"Thank you, go on and have a seat, Detective Kim and I were just discussing the homicide case." Jisung sits down on the couch and looks intrigued.

"How's that going by the way?"

"Not too bad, I mean we don't have any leads yet but the only witness is coming in today for questioning."

"Well that's wonderful, you can at least get some answers." I nod. Jisung turns his attention from me to the tv screen, watching whatever channel it's currently on.

"Anyway Detective Lee..." Seungmin clears his throat. I turn towards him.

"Right yes, when's that witness coming in?"

"3:00 hyung, she said she's ready to answer any burning questions that we have."

"Good, good..." I trail off as I look over and see Jisung staring at me. He flicks his eyes away from my face as soon as he sees me looking, and I swear I can see him blushing slightly. I feel my cheeks heat up as I look away. Seungmin sits on the edge of my desk awkwardly, waiting to grab my attention again.

"Jisung, don't you have a shift to finish?" Seungmin asks.

"Ah right, yeah I should get going. I'll see you later, hyung." Jisung says, getting off the couch and starting to walk out the door.

"Uh Sungie, dinner on Saturday, my place." I reply as he turns and looks at me.

"Oh right, what time should I be over?"

"Is 6:00 okay?"

"Sounds good to me hyung, I'll be there." He responds before leaving my office. Seungmin sighs in relief after the door shuts.

"Glad that's over, it was like high sexual tension in here."

"There was nothing sexual about it."

"Are you really sure you don't like him, Minho? I mean come on, you two act like you're just ready to pounce on each other. He even drew a heart next to your name on the coffee cup." Seungmin replies, pointing to the cup. I turn the cup around and sure enough, there's a giant heart scribbled next to my name.

"That doesn't mean anything." I brush the topic off.

"Are you kidding me? You're in love with him and he's in love with you and it's like a goddamn tragedy because you look at him and see the stars, and he looks at you and sees the sun and you both think the other is just looking at the ground. It's infuriating to watch!" Seungmin responds in frustration. I stay silent and listen intently to his words.

"So....what should I do?" I finally say.

"Confess to him on Saturday or so help me hyung I will kick your ass." He replies before storming out of my office. I ponder on his words for a bit while smiling stupidly at the little heart drawn on my coffee cup.

I'm A Mess (Minsung) Detective x Serial Killer (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now