Chapter 23

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March 16, 2020
11:00 am

Jisung's P.O.V.

Stumbling out of bed in my boxers, I notice Minho's side of the bed is empty as the smell of food wafts into the hallway. I walk out to the kitchen, ruffling my messy hair to get it out of my eyes. Minho stands at the stove shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants, cooking what I assume to be breakfast. I stand there and stare at him for a moment, the nape of his neck glistening with sweat.

My eyes wander down his body, admiring all the curves of his bare back as he continues what he's doing. I slowly walk up to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind and gently leaving a lingering kiss on his shoulder. He turns his head to look at me before focusing back on the food. "Good morning, sleepyhead." His sweet honey-like morning voice greets me with a chuckle.

"Morning, Minnie," I answer, rubbing circles on his chest with my finger. He kisses the side of my head before putting the eggs and slices of toast onto plates. "The toast looks burnt." I chuckle, hopping up onto the counter. Minho scoffs playfully.

"The toast looks just fine, Jisung," He answers, starting to lay bacon slices in the frying pan.

"Well I think it looks burnt, Mr. I'm going to cook breakfast for my boyfriend." I reply sarcastically.

"Jisung, the toast looks absolutely's you I'm worried about." He looks at me for a moment and I tilt my head to tell him to explain. Minho looks away and focuses back on the bacon. "You had a nightmare last night, were crying hysterically and I couldn't wake you up no matter how much I kept telling me not to do something but I don't know what."

"Oh..." I look down, not knowing what to say.

"Do you remember what it was about?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I don't...I have trust issues when it comes to my nightmares...I don't tell just anyone about them."

"But you can tell me..." He replies quietly. I look straight at him.

"What are you asking by saying that?" I question gently. He looked at me. His hair was still a mess, and in the bright morning sunlight he looked more handsome and more human than I'd ever seen him.

"I guess I'm asking you to trust me," he said. I nod, my words getting caught in my throat, not knowing what else to say to him. Minho clears his throat. "Breakfast is almost's going to downpour today so I don't suggest that we go out. Do you want to just have a lazy day here?" He asks and I nod in return.

"A lazy day sounds absolutely wonderful." I smile. Minho smiles back and puts the bacon on the plates before walking over to stand in between my dangling legs.

"You look so handsome in the mornings," He mumbles, looking at me lovingly. My face heats up as I look down at the floor shyly, my hands interlocking with his.

"You're even more handsome," I say quietly. He chuckles and shakes his head, pressing our foreheads together.

"I doubt that." Minho smiles.

"Why did you choose me?" I ask suddenly, making him look at me confused. "Out of all the people in the world, and even though you have hanahaki, why me? Why did you choose me?" He ponders over his answer for a minute, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Because matter how you try and fight it...the heart wants what it wants. And it just so happened that my heart chose you, Han Jisung. The day I met you." The reply is enough to make me break eye contact, biting my bottom lip nervously. I flick my gaze back to his as I come up with how to respond.

"I... I couldn't tell if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you. The rest of the world seemed to fall away when our eyes locked, and I've never had that with another person before." I confess to him.

Minho smiles brightly and closes the distance between us by kissing me, lightly wrapping his hands around my hips. I kiss back and thread my fingers through his hair, something I know he loves when I do it. "We should eat before the food gets cold." He whispers, smiling.

I nod and untangle my hands from his locks, grabbing my plate and walking to the table. He follows suit and sits next to me as the rain outside starts to fall. We eat quietly, basking in the silence and each other's company. After we're done and dishes are washed, Minho leads me back to our room for what I assume is going to be a much needed cuddle session when I am suddenly softly pinned against the wall. "What is this now?" I ask with a smirk. He shrugs subtly.

"Wanna make out with me?" He asks, his voice already deepened.

"Always." I reply and kiss him suddenly. He kisses back and I take the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth, fighting him for dominance and winning. Minho bites my bottom lip and moves closer, pinning my body to the wall with his so I can't go anywhere. I chuckle when he moves down to kiss my neck.

"Minho," I breathe, "I already have so many hickies, I don't need more." He chuckles in response and backs away smiling.

"Sorry Ji, I just like letting people know you're mine."

"I am yours and I always will be, now and forever." Minho smiles and walks away from me, panting. He grabs two shirts and slips one over his head before handing the other one to me. "What are these for?" I ask as I put it on.

"You'll see," He replies with a wink and leaves the room. I follow him outside, where it is completely downpouring with rain. He holds his hand out to me. "Well come on now," Minho says as I look at him, "come dance with me." I take his hand, letting him drag me onto the beach.

"In the rain?" I ask, squinting my eyes as the heavy droplets drench our clothing.

"Yes in the rain, is there something wrong with that?" He pulls me into his arms, wrapping them around my waist.

"No, not at all." I lock my arms around his neck, swaying with him as our clothes get completely soaked. Minho's white tshirt clings to his body, showing off his arms and his torso as the raindrops melt onto his skin. They run down the tips of his hair and his body, making him look so ethereal as we dance together in the sand.

Both of us remain quiet, enjoying the sounds of the downpour, the waves, and each other's breathing. The tension is hushed, but it's there and it's driving me insane. "What's this between us?" I ask suddenly, looking into his eyes.

Minho answers, "Nothing." He grabs me by the back of my neck and kisses me hard. He is right. There is nothing between us. Nothing between our lips. Not even air. Our mouths move in sync, together as one like the waves that crash up onto the sand, no room for breathing or talking as the love flows through. We remain in this lip-locked state for a few minutes before he pulls away.

"You drive me crazy, Han Jisung," Minho states, "absolutely insane." He twirls me once as my cheeks flame up and I bite my lip. "Also, I have next weekend off as well...more time to spend with you, baby." He adds. My eyes light up.

"Really?" He nods before speaking again.

"I'm beginning to believe you're my soulmate,'s you. It's been you for the past few months. Since the moment we started to talk. It's you at 2am or it's you at 6pm. It's you when I eat, it's you when I sleep, it's you when I go to work.

You are everywhere and you are everything.

It's you.

It's always been you.

You, you, you."

I'm A Mess (Minsung) Detective x Serial Killer (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now