Chapter 31

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June 6, 2020
4:00 pm

Narrator's P.O.V

"Alright Minho, count back from ten for me." The doctor spoke as he pumped the anesthesia into his IV. Minho's eyes wandered around the room at the bright lights before starting to count.

"" His eyes started to flutter shut, his body giving in to the exhaustion that was desperately calling him. "Five...four...three..." His eyelids closed as he got sent into a state of unconsciousness. The surgeon began operating on his lungs, determined to remove the wretched flower from Minho's body.

His body and mind felt numb, he felt as if his soul had left his current state of being, almost like an astral projection or lucid dream. Minho saw flashbacks of memories of his life, as if he was watching them on a television screen. The staff were able to remove the golden roots of the navy blue hyacinth from his lungs before they noticed his heart beginning to give up.

The monitor beeped slower, each pump of Minho's heart contracting against the flower's stem which had been tightly wrapped around it.

"If we don't get the stem cut, we're going to lose him." The nurse exclaimed as she handed the surgeon the pair of scissors. He nodded and took the scissors, beginning to cut the stem from Minho's heart.

"Hand me the scalpel." He said simply as he kept his eyes on his patient, one of the attending nurses handing him the medical instrument. The surgeon was halfway through cutting the plant when Minho's heartbeat dropped significantly and the monitor flatlined. He continued cutting through the stem, determined to free the heart from its grasp.

"Sir...we lost him..."

"No we did not...I am not letting my patient die." He cut the stem off and threw it away, looking between the monitor and Minho's heart. He pondered on what to do before grabbing the heart gently with a gloved hand and started to pump it himself.

The room was blanketed in silence as the surgeon continued, so silent one could hear a pin drop. "Come on, Minho...come on..." He pumped the heart as best he could, frustration flooding into his mind.

As if it were a miracle, the monitor began beeping again as the heart started to palpitate by itself. He quickly removed his hand and sighed in relief. "Let's get the rest of this damn thing out and stitch him up." The surgeon said as Minho's heart went back to its regular tempo of beating.

A few miles away, only ten minutes or so before Minho's heartbeat resumed, Jisung was tied up to the gurney in a secluded room of the prison. Two members of the execution team stood on either side of him, positioning heart monitors on his skin and injecting a saline solution into one arm through his veins.

At the warden's signal, a curtain rose up to reveal all the witnesses on the other side of the glass that were there to watch him die. Jisung's eyes wandered around the room as the sodium thiopental was injected into his other arm, intended to make him unconscious.

He wasn't afraid to die. He had always thought death would be more peaceful and inviting than people had always said. It was leaving Minho behind that scared him more. He knew it would come to this, himself dying and Minho living with the pain of losing him. He just didn't know it would come this soon.

Jisung's eyes fluttered shut as the anesthetic put him out, working through his veins to make his entire body numb. A bright light shined into his eyes but he had them closed, an invisible string pulling on him as if to say something was wrong. As the pavulon was then pumped into his body, Jisung noticed that same string was tugging on his life force violently.

His muscles became paralyzed and his breathing began to slow as he gave his soul up to whatever or whoever was asking for it. He gave himself up entirely as he walked into that light in front of him. A woman came out to him and beckoned him forward, the light behind her head illuminating her features. Jisung stumbled for a moment as he recognized her. "Haimoni..?" He asked softly and the woman smiled.

"It's time to leave your life behind, my child...that cruel world didn't deserve such a gem like you." Jisung shook his head.

"I don't want to leave, haimoni...I have someone back there who loves me and wants me to stay." He began to cry at the thought of leaving Minho alone. The woman pitied him as she shook her head gently.

"It is time to's time for you to come home, Jisung."

"I can't, haimoni." He tried to protest as she opened her arms.

"Come home, Jisung." She requested once more. Jisung looked back at the empty white abyss behind him as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I love you, Minho." He whispered before walking into his grandmother's arms.

I'm A Mess (Minsung) Detective x Serial Killer (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now