Chapter Two: And they're off.

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I was still fuming by the time I got to my car, like I would want to tell personal details to a teacher that I had only just met. I slumped down into the seat of my car and decided to head over to the Gym and wait for Poppy there, so I sent her a quick text to meet me there as it was a short walk and turned on the engine, blasting some hate music on the way there.

I headed straight for the treadmill when I walked through the doors, as I was still in my Gym clothes and didn't need to get changed. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes, tuning out everything around me as I turned the settings up to go faster. I don't know how long I was running for before I felt someone step up on the machine beside me, I opened my eyes slightly and glanced over to see Poppy, she flashed me a little smile and we went back to doing our thing.

To end my work out, I decided to do a few squats in the corner with some small hand-held weights. I watched myself in the mirror as I did these, getting lower and lower to the ground each time. I looked around the gym in the mirror, trying to see if Poppy was almost done, when I recognised the man waiting at the reception desk, staring at me... We kept eye contact through the mirror for a while, before Poppy came over and pulled me out of my daze. "Hey, I'm dead. Are you done?"

I tried walking swiftly past him without making eye contact, hoping he wouldn't try and talk to me, but that didn't work. "Hey Mr. Langdon!" I heard Poppy shout enthusiastically. Fuck. She is so dead when we get home. "Hello Poppy." His deep voice rumbled, moving his eyes to look right into mine. "Hello, Avery. How nice to see you guys here." His gaze pierced mine as he didn't look away when he spoke. The room fell silent and I could feel Poppy's stare from the side as the tension builded between my P.E. Teacher and I. "Looks like you found out what Gym I use." I spoke, with more sarcasm than initially intended, he opened his mouth to answer but I interrupted, "See you tomorrow, Mr Langdon." He half smiled, defeated. "It's Levi outside of School, if you don't mind. Good afternoon ladies."

"What was that in there?!" Poppy asked, sounding completely freaked out. I tried to cover it up by pretending to not know what she was talking about, but she caught on. I sighed and began. "Look, I honestly have no idea. The guy just gives me the absolute creeps. No matter how attractive he is, he freaks me out and I don't want to be anywhere near him for a prolonged period of time." I pulled up into her drive-way and stopped the engine, not giving her time to respond. "Okay, well thanks for the lift - I'll see you tomorrow." She grabbed her bag out of the back and then she was gone. I loved it when she stayed at my house with me regularly, but tonight I just wanted to relax by myself, so I was happy to see her walk inside her own door.

I took a sip out of my wine glass quickly and put it back on the table as I dipped my paintbrush into the container and continuing to paint my toe nails. I had a face-mask on and I was wearing nothing but a white dressing gown that tied up around the middle and a towel on top of my head, drying my hair. A chill-out afternoon was definitely needed, but I couldn't keep Mr. Langdon's stare out of my head for some reason. He had gorgeous eyes, they were a beautiful shade of bright blue. I shook my head and looked back at the TV, I was watching Season 2 of American Horror Story and attempted to concentrate on that instead, but even that eventually turned into failure. I looked over at the cupboard where I kept my marijuana supply, hoping that it might work to settle my nerves.

It was early in the morning when I finally crawled into bed, absolutely nothing on my mind besides getting some sleep. I instantly fell into the darkness, not remembering anything that happened after pulling the blankets over me.

The next morning I woke up to my ring tone, I slammed my hand onto the end call button, deciding that I was too tired to talk to anyone. A few seconds later, it started ringing again. I sighed over-dramatically, before picking up my phone to Poppy. "How are you still asleep? Get up seriously. I'm coming to get you in 20 minutes and you better be ready." I heard the end tone before I could even speak, the time flashed up on my phone when the call ended. Shit, I really was going to be late. Completely unenthused, I crawled out of bed and started getting ready. I did basic make-up, as I really didn't have the time or effort today and I left my hair natural and put it half-up in a bun and left the rest flowing down my back and some over my shoulders. By the time I tied my last shoe up, Poppy was in the drive-way honking the horn.

I headed to second period and met up with Poppy, Matt and Damien at the door. We had Gym, but it was just theory today, which worked for me because I was not feeling energetic at all today. "Babe, you don't happen to have a little something for me at home, do you?" Matt whispered subtly. I knew exactly what he was talking about, "Yeah, just come to mine after school." We all nodded in unison, before Mr. Langdon walked past us and headed for the door. "Hey guys" he spoke to the girls at the front of the line, "Forward in and sit wherever you would like." He held his arm out directing us into the door. "Good morning, Miss Steele" he said smugly whilst I walked past, deciding on not giving him a reaction, instead I kept my head down immediately retreated to the back of the classroom, not making a sound. I eventually tuned his words out and focused on reading my book on my phone. "Avery!" Poppy nudged me, moving her eyes for me to focus to the front of the room where he stood, staring. "Avery, for the millionth time, can you please help me hand out these books?" Frustration bubbled inside of me, why was it always me? I was too tired to deal with this today. "I'd rather not." I answered, looking out the window rather than into his eyes. "I couldn't care less what you'd rather do, it's either help me hand these out or detention with me at lunch time." I immediately began to regret what I had said, I never wanted to be alone with him in a room together, but it was too late to back down now. "I guess I'll be seeing you at lunch, then." The smug look on his face disappeared before he asked someone else to hand out the work booklets and writing me out a detention slip. "Miss Steele, I'll be seeing you all of 5th period, give this to your Teacher and report to my office in the hall immediately." I was stunned and had nothing at all to say, defeated, I snatched the pass out of his hand and remained silent for the rest of the class.

I walked up to his office and knocked on the door as I opened it, he was typing on his laptop and signalled me in before shutting the screen down. "Hello Avery, please take a seat." I slid onto the table, he began writing something down before sliding a chair to sit in front of me. "What's going on, Avery? You look horrible. Are you having home troubles?" If only he knew the half of it. I twiddled my thumbs and didn't take my view off them, deciding whether I could really trust him with the issues of my life. He did make me rather uncomfortable, but on the other hand he seemed to generally care, a quality that most Teachers lack. The ticking of the clock was the only sound for a while, Mr. Langdon was looking at me and waiting for a reply before he starting speaking again. "Because to be honest, all I can smell on you is wine and weed. So I would like to know what is going on." I cupped my face in my hands, embarrassed. "Okay..." I finally spoke, figuring out where to begin. I eventually told him about my Mum and my Dad, which he figured out leaded to my drug and alcohol problem. I became more and more comfortable talking about my situation, even telling him about my drug dealing. He didn't talk the whole time I spoke, he just nodded occasionally. "I'm sorry, I've probably told you too much." I whispered, holding back my years. It was actually nice to get all of this stuff off my chest. "It's no problem at all, Avery." He touched my leg sympathetically and tingles ran all over my body. The more I looked at him the less intimidating he became and the more attractive he got. I stared at his hand sitting on my leg, while he looked down at his own lap. "I really do care about you Avery, I don't really know why but I'm drawn to you, as my student of course, probably because I could tell that there was something wrong." I nodded in agreement, feeling cold air rush to my leg when he took his hand away, "I want you to know that you can talk with me about everything." I nodded, still staring at my leg.

The bell rang and it had felt like I had spent no time at all with Mr. Langdon. "You may go Miss Steel, please remember what I've said this afternoon." I picked up my bag and headed for the door slowly, touching the silver handle and turning it slightly and looking over my shoulder, "Thank you for everything, Levi. You're not as bad of a guy as I thought you were." He shot me a warm smile when I used his real name and that was the last thing I saw before heading to my car.

AUTHORS NOTE: As you can tell, I'm using silly sport puns as my Chapter names, curtsey of my Friends attempting to give me names for the story! If anyone wants to add one, feel free! Also please rate this book, etc. And make sure you head onto my profile to check out my other book titled "Taking Shape."

Also I haven't edited this for grammatical errors so I apologise for that. xx

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