Chapter Six: Study Hard.

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"Kurt, I..." I paused, not knowing what to say.

Was I really going to give up this opportunity? A super cute guy that's interested in me and actually legal to be with? The connection that Levi and I had together probably wasn't even real, it was most likely just me wanting something new and exciting. "Avery?" Kurt had pulled over the car and was staring at me in deep concentration. "Kurt.." I began. This decision could change everything.

"Of course I want to go to coffee with you, I'm sorry I'm just not feeling too well." His plump lips widened into an absolutely gorgeous smile and he started up the car.

"I'm really happy that we're doing this Avery" I heard Kurt's voice as I was staring off behind him, wondering if I had made the right decision. I should probably at least text him to tell him right? Not leave him waiting. Kurt gulped his coffee down and I pulled my phone out of my bag and glanced up at Kurt, who was trying to hide the look of nervousness on his face. "I'm really sorry, Kurt. You're doing really well so please don't be nervous." He straightened his posture a little before I continued, "I'm just a bit out of it today, you know?" I looked down at my phone, wondering what to say.

- Levi, I'm sorry but I won't be coming to meet you today. I think what I felt with us is just something silly that I have made up and I'm sorry about all of my comments and remarks on the matter. This relationship should remain strictly professional and I promise, I wont tell anyone about anything that happened.

I hit send and my stomach dropped, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I placed my phone on the table with the screen facing downward and reached over the table to grab Kurt's hand and stretched a fake smile across my face, he placed his palm on the outside of my hand. "Thank you so much for everything, you're a really lovely guy Kurt." He blushed a little and I couldn't help but giggle, his eyes wandering caught my attention, "So does that mean we can go on a real date some time?" He pierced my gaze and his grip tightened on my hand, I can't believe he is nervous about this. "Of course, how about this weekend coming?" I concentrated on our hands, which seemed to fit really nicely together. Hopefully this decision would turn out to be the best for me and especially the best for Mr. Langdon and his future.

"YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE?! I DON'T SPEAK TO YOU ONE WEEKEND AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!" Poppy exclaimed loudly in a high pitched tone and I saw everyone's head turn to us, I immediately covered her mouth with my hands and yelled at her to shut up before continuing to retell my weekend to her, leaving out the parts with our Teacher, obviously. After what seemed like forever, the bell rang and I walked as slow as I could, not wanting to see Mr. Langdon today after standing him up.

He was standing at the door, ushering everyone inside when we got there. I almost forgot how gorgeous he was and I was straining to keep my eyes off of him. "Hey Mr. L!" Poppy skipped into the classroom joyfully while I tried to walk past him unnoticed. "Avery, can we have a word in my office?" Oh god, what was he going to say. "I'd rather not" I replied a lot louder than I imagined it to come out, everyone in the class was talking too loud to hear us anyways so it didn't matter. "Aver--" I cut him off, "After class, please." I stared up into his eyes, which were a gorgeous grey colour today, begging with my own eyes. He nodded slowly and stretched his arm out, leading my way into the room. Before, I didn't want to come to the class and now, I don't want it to end.

It felt like minutes before the bell was ringing for the next period. "Come on Av, we have next class together." Poppy picked me up and threw me over he shoulder, which caused me to break out into laughter, especially as she spun me around. "Actually, could you give this note to your Teacher Poppy? Avery is staying with me this lesson." Levi interrupted, handing a small square of cardboard to Poppy before escorting her out.

We were alone and the feeling in the room changed immediately. I plopped down on the desk and he was pacing, in silence. After a while of a complete awkwardness, I decided to get up and leave. I was definitely not doing this today. My hand touched the door knob and he spoke, quietly. But at least it was something. "Avery, I just need to talk to you about everything that happened over the weekend..." I held tight into the door, deciding whether I should leave or not, but his facial expression decided everything for me. I pressed the lock in on the door and leaned up against the wall next to it.

"I thought my text said everything that I needed to say, sir." I mumbled, looking at the ground. He stepped over towards me and lifted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. "I really do want you Avery, more than anything in the world..." He said before plunging his lips onto mine. My first instinct was to push away, I began wiggling and trying to get out of his grip before eventually punching his chest and pushing him back, landing him leaning onto a desk. "What the actual fuck Levi?" I said, wiping my lips. "This isn't right, you're my Teacher." He looked away before almost growling, "I don't believe that you didn't want me to do that, Avery." A smirk rose across his face and my eyes dropped to the ground, because he was right. "Avery, you locked the door, it's okay, no one will catch us and IF they do, I'm the one who gets in the most trouble for this."

I could feel myself growing redder and redder, I wanted my Teacher and he knew it. This was crazy! What was going on? He kept his eyes on me, watching my every move, still leaning on the desk. "Avery, we have a connection. I feel sparks whenever I touch you, don't you feel it too?" And before I knew what I was doing, I was sitting my Gym teacher's lap with his tongue deep in my mouth.

It felt so good, but definitely bad at the same time... I didn't care about that though, all I knew was that I didn't want this to stop. He ran his hands up inside my shirt, feeling my bare skin on my stomach, stopping just before my breasts and sliding his hands to my back to move back down. It felt like fire wherever he touched me and my skin was left cold when his hands had left the spot that they were on. He latched onto my hips and started to dig his fingers into me as he rocked me back and forward on his growing bulge in his pants. My mind was growing crazy with excitement, I couldn't believe that I was doing this. My arms were around his neck and my hands were holding his head tight to mine as we deepened the kiss. My whole body had tingles as he picked me up and pushed me against the wall next to the door, wrapping my legs around his, not breaking our lips apart the whole time.

One of his arms eventually left my body and I felt him unzip his fly below me, I moaned when he removed his lips from mine and placed them on my neck instead. I wasn't a virgin but I was still definitely nervous, I mean, having sex with a Teacher in a School full of kids and Teachers? I considered telling him to stop but in reality, I didn't want him to. I wanted to feel him inside of me and I wanted it now. He sucked on my neck and I felt the tips of fingers slightly touch the side of my underwear, before hearing a loud, thud on the door. "FUCK!" He whispered, but also kind of shouted. He dropped me to the ground and zipped his pants up swiftly. We were both puffing as he quickly slicked his hair down and I ran over to sit in a chair at a desk, making it just in time before he opened the door. "Levi, do you mind filling in for Mrs. Williams class this period? She didn't show up today and we can't get a hold of her - Oh, Hello Avery. What's going on here?" It was the Principle and this couldn't get any awkwarder than it was right now. I was silent, trying to think of something to say. Levi's eyes widened, pushing me to say something. "I'm just having a hard time at home and Mr. Langdon was just helping me talk through it" I eventually spat out, mentally wanting to shoot myself for taking so long to answer. "Oh okay, well I suppose I can get someone else, unless you're done?" The Principle raised his eyebrow at me, meaning that I was done whether I wanted to be or not. "Yes, I'm done." I grabbed my bag and walked to the door, "Thank you Avery, hopefully we will be able to have a longer, more enjoyable discussion next time." He smirked. My eyes shot open in complete embarrassment before I power-walked out of the room and down the hall, feeling Levi's eyes piercing the back of my head.

I stopped and leant up against a wall to catch my breath when they were both out of my. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out to see Kurt's name on my screen. I immediately banged my head against the wall.

Shit. Kurt. I had just completely fucked everything good up.

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