Chapter Five: Got Game.

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He squinted his eyes, almost as if he was in pain. "Avery, you know that I can't do that..." He slid his hand off the door and took one step closer to me, unsure of what to do next, he glared at the ground.

"But, do you want to do? That is the real question." I stood up and moved towards him, no matter how hard my head was pounding, I needed this moment and I needed him to be honest with me. I touched the palm of his hand with the tips of my fingers and he looped his fingers in between mine, tight. "Avery, this is really inappropriate. We could get in a lot of trouble for thi--" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence, with my finger on his lips, shushing him.

"You didn't answer my question, sir." I lowered my hand from his face and he looked down at our intertwined fingers, rubbing his thumb on my skin. "Of course I do, but this can't happen." He began, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "I could go to Prison, you could be expelled. I'm sorry Avery, I really am." And with that, he was gone.

I laid in bed, unable to do anything besides think of everything that had happened. Why did I even think that anything could occur between us? He was right, we could both get in so much trouble and I wouldn't want him to go to Prison because of a silly Student of his. I was so stupid and now, I've wrecked a perfectly good friendship with someone that I actually trusted and told things that I haven't even shared with Matt or Damien.

I felt my phone vibrate across the mattress but I couldn't move to check it, I just stayed rolled up into a ball and eventually drifted off through the tears. I was completely restless all night and had the best part of two hours sleep. I decided to give up on trying to get comfortable and get out of bed early and attempt to cover up the massive bruises that were covering down the side of my face. I hadn't seen Poppy since Friday night, hell, we hadn't even spoken and I was guessing that she would be showing up here unannounced at some point today.

I heard the door bell ring shortly after putting my clothes on and smiled to myself immediately, I knew Poppy way too well. I was wearing a high-waisted pastel pink skirt that fell just under half-way on my thigh and puffed out a tiny bit with a white strap-tube shirt, which both complemented my curves wonderfully. I walked down the stairs casually and flung open the door, not to find Poppy, but a man standing cautiously on the top step that I swore that I recognised, but couldn't figure out from where.

"Hello?" I spoke politely, still staring at him trying to figure out how I knew him. He stared at the bruises on the side of my face and I suddenly got nervous, turning my head so my good side faced him only. "Can I help you?" I questioned after no reply the first time I spoke.

"Oh, yes. Hi. You're the girl from Ace's party right? The one that I pulled up from under that guy?" My smile lessoned as I began remembering the details from Friday night. "Oh, right. Yeah that's me." He smiled sympathetically whilst listening to me talk. "I never got your name, sorry?" I continued, opening the door further and moving out of the way for him to step inside. He chuckled a little, walking past me casually. His cologne smelt like a dream and he was definitely an attractive guy. "Yeah, I never got yours either. My names Kurt."

"Avery" I introduced myself, leading him the lounge to sit down, "Would you like a drink or something?" I asked timidly, suddenly becoming more and more aware of the attractive stranger sitting on my couch. It's not like I have guys over that often besides Matt and Damien and I don't even think that they counted. "No thanks, Avery." He shot me a smile before patting the spot next to him on the lounge, inviting me to sit. Of course I accepted the offer immediately.

"How did you find out where I lived?" I blurted out, mentally slapping myself. I was supposed to be hitting on him, not interrogating him. "Ace had told me where you lived after I had explained what happened - I really just wanted to check if you needed anything and I mean, I didn't even really know your name." He took my hand and squeezed it. This guy was really sweet and definitely not illegal to date. "I'm fine really, I mean it hurts and looks terrible but I'll get over it." I giggled nervously as our eyes connected, it didn't give me the same feeling as it did with Mr. Langdon but there was definitely something there. Kurt broke our eye contact after what was an unusually long time to be looking into a strangers eyes, "Would you like to go grab a coffee and maybe something to eat?" He asked, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. My face went red, I can't believe he is asking me out already. "Of course, just me grab some shoes. I'll meet you out the front!" I replied, hopefully with a confident tone. I was definitely nervous.

In the car, I checked my phone: The message was from Mr. Langdon. I held my breath as I unlocked my phone to read it.

- Avery, I can't stand this. If you're serious about all of this, meet me at the corner of the street that I picked you up from the other night at 11:30.

I didn't let go of my breath and my heart beat increased by a mile. What was I going to do? It was 11:00 now, so I was going to have to make my decision pretty swiftly. My hands were shaking and I was completely oblivious to what was going on around me.

"Avery, what's up?" Kurt's gentle voice drowned out my thoughts. "Do you need to reschedule? I'm happy to have coffee with you any time." He placed his hand on my thigh, I looked over to see his sweet eyes filled with concern for me, I didn't realise how shaken up I would be looking right now. Although, why wouldn't I be? My Teacher was basically asking me to do something completely illegal for the both of us... And what was worse than that? The fact that I wanted it more than anything in the universe for us.

"Kurt, I..."

Authors note: Oops, another cliffhanger! Don't forget that if you're liking the story, you should definitely favourite it and comment to let me know! Also follow my personal account and check out my other book that I'm currently writing called "Taking Shape."

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