Chapter Nine.

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"Poppy, for the millionth time. I forgot something in third period and I'm going to get it. No I don't need a ride home and no I don't need you to wait for me." It's around 15 minutes after class ended and escaping Poppy was proving to be more difficult than usual.

"Are you sure? I can come w--"

"NO, seriously go. I'm fine." If she didn't leave soon, I was definitely going to lose my shit. I hoped that Levi had waited for me and didn't leave thinking that I was going to show up.

"Okay... Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Every couple of slow steps Poppy took, she looked back at me waiting for me to take back everything I had said and to catch up to her. But as much as I didn't want to face the awkward contact I was about to have with Mr. Langdon, it definitely had to happen.

I sprinted to the Teachers car park and scanned the area, Levi's car was still there and luckily, it was the only one so nobody would see us together. I swung open the door and jumped in quickly, at the same time Levi started the car without even looking at me and began to take off. "Nice of you to join me, Avery. I was beginning to think that you blew me off." He faced my way for a second, flashing a playful smile that made me melt.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Poppy just would not let me go! It took a lot of convincing for her to leave School without me" I giggled thinking about how determined and annoying she was, although I did love how much she cared for me. Levi laughed as well "Yep, sounds exactly like Poppy." He turned up the music and we stayed silent until we pulled up into his drive way.

The house was one story and made out of bricks that were a dark colour. He had a path that lead through his garden to his porch, which had a small table with two chairs either side of them. An ashtray full of cigarette butts sat closed to the right hand side of the table. It wasn't the most gorgeous looking house but it definitely wasn't bad looking. The inside was decorated very modern and the house was cleaner than I expected. He lead me to the lounge room, where he put a DVD on and we sat apart and awkwardly silent for a while watching. He eventually pulled me close to him and began twirling my hair in between his fingers, which somehow made me way more relaxed than I was originally.

"So..." I decided to break the silence. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I looked up at his face and he half smiled before pausing the movie and giving me a small tap, indicating to stop laying on him and face him properly.

"Okay, here it goes... You know, I can get in a lot of trouble for this. I could lose my job, I could go to jail..."

"Than why are you doing this?" I cut him off with my half-angry, half-sympathetic tone."

"Because, Avery. There's something about you - I just can't stay away... I just, I guess I wanted you to know that I don't want to date you. This is not going to end up with us being in any kind of relationship besides physical, if you want too I mean."

He was getting nervous and so was I. I mean, it's not like I wanted him to have any kind of feelings for me, but something inside me felt off. I didn't say a word whilst he spoke, I just nodded occasionally and kept my full attention on him.

"I don't want to pressure you into anything that you don't want to do, okay? I just - I want this to be strictly physical, no emotions. No falling in love... I know this sounds harsh but it's the only way that it can be said, are you understanding me?"

I stared down at my knees, I could feel his stare piercing me. My eyes moved up to meet his, before I nodded slightly and a wave of relief washed over him and his body almost instantly went from tense to relaxed. I moved closer to him and placed my lips gently on his, unsure if I was even supposed to be doing this. He seemed a little surprised, but then he moved his hand onto the side of my face and kissed me back slowly. Eventually, the kiss deepened and I moved my hands to his chest, feeling his heart beat getting faster and faster. We became more intense and the energy in the room changed, the sexual tension grew more and more every second. Our slow, soft kiss became so full-on that my head was dizzy and he pulled me on top of his lap, not leaving my lips. Our tongues danced as he moved his hands onto my back and his fingers slowly creeping up my shirt, trailing my skin with his warm hands whilst I had his hair bunched in mine. I wanted him so badly, but I knew that today wasn't the right time to go all the way... That wasn't going to stop me from having my fun though. My mind started going crazy with different thoughts and Kurt eventually popped up into my mind and I started to feel queasy with guilt... But did I have anything to be guilty about? I mean, it wasn't like we were official or anything... I wanted so badly to just be concentrating on Levi alone, but I had too much going on for that to ever happen.

This whole thing was just absolutely nuts. Here I am, lying to my best friend, laying on top of my Teacher in an intense make-out session. I wanted to stop, run far away, even move Schools and never ever see him again... But at the same time, I wanted to be exactly where I was and to never ever leave for forget the feeling of ecstasy that he gave me every time I felt his touch and this feeling overpowered the first.

Authors note: Sorry about the wait guys, I've been soo busy with classes lately! I should hopefully be updating regularly again yay! Thank you all so much for reading, I've come back to Wattpad with so many more than the last time that I checked it! Don't forget to favourite, comment, follow me and all that kind of awesome stuff. ❤️

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