A loss in the dark and the light

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Screams filled the night air, left unnoticed by the silent barrier surrounding the small house. The Lestranges' hearts were filled with pain, loss and grievence. Bellatrix's and Rodolphus's unborn baby had died. Bellatrix had felt it. She felt her baby die in her womb, and she could do nothing about it. It was their fault! It was all their fault!

Angry tears streamed down Bellatrix's face as she screamed the curse again and again and again. Rodolpus stood beside her, his eyes puffy and his lips were trembling, spilling the words in a tight, depressed drawl.
"Crucio! Crucio! CRUCIO! That his how it felt! My poor baby! This is how it felt!" Bellatrix screeched, jabbing her wand in a furious blur.
Alice Longbottom screamed in pain, begging for mercy between her sobs.
"Crucio! We did nothing to you! Our baby was innocent!!" Rodolphus cried, "CRUCIO!!"
Frank Longbottom screamed and writhed, clawing at the wall like a madman.
"My darling sister- in-law! Do you know what pain you her through?!" Rabastian demanded, throwing an alphabet block at the screaming couple.
The alphabet block bounced off of Frank's nose, and a trickle of blood seeped through his left nostril.
Barty Crouch Jr aimed his wand at Alice, "How dare you kill the unborn heir of Lestrange! You ended their life before it even begun you flithy mistakes of the Wizarding world! You disgrace the Pureblood title!! CRUCIO! CRUCIO YOU HAG!"
Rabastian grabbed a lamp and held it above his head. Something caught his eye, a shining baby blue amongst the inky black night. He turned. Dumbledore rushed up the driveway, followed closely by three other members of his Order of the Dodoes.
"Rodo! Bella! Barty! Dumblefuckface is here! We gotta go!" Rabastian shouted, tossing the lamp at the Longbottoms.
The lamp hit Alice in the stomach, earning a pained gasp from her.
Barty turned to his friend. He nodded curtly before turning to Rodolphus.
"Rodo! Grab Bella! We have to go! I am not going to Azkaban now!" Barty shouted, grabbing his friend in the ear.
Rodolphus turned his pained eyes from the Longbottoms and to his friend. He nodded. He wrapped his arm around Bellatrix's waist, and they both flinched.
"Bella, we must go." Rodolphus whispered in her ear.
Rodolphus tugged Bella over his shoulder and followed Barty and Rabastian out of the room. They darted down the stairs. The three men raced out of the room. Bellatrix burrowed his head in Rodolphus's neck and started to weep. Her child, oh her poor child...

Barty threw open the kitchen door and ran out into the yard. He raced over to the garden fence and leapt it. He perched on it and stretched out his hand. Rabastian grabbed his offered hand and allowed himself to be dragged over the fence. The youngest Lestrange twin flopped over the fence and landed roughly on the dirty stone floor in the alley below. If the situation wasn't so dire, and he was draped with mourning, Barty would have laughed. Rodolphus handed his still crying wife to Barty, who held her close to his chest and leapt the fence. Rodolphus risked a glance over his shoulder. Mad Eye Moody burst through the back door, his wand raised. Rodolphus cursed loudly. He jumped and scrambled over the fence, clawing at the wood on the other side in an attempt to drag himself over. A stunning spell flew over his head, missing him by mere inches. Rabastian grabbed his brother and dragged him over the fence by the back of his robes. He grabbed Barty's collar with his free hand and dragged the two men down the alley. Barty shifted Bellatrix in his hold, positioning her awkwardly over his shoulder with her legs billowing behind them. Bellatrix continued to scream and cry unintelligable words into the night. It made the mens' hearts ache. Rabastian felt the cling of the anti-apparation wards drip from his body. He tightened his grip on his friend and brother and apparated to the first place that came to mind. The Black family mansion.

A loud bang rung out throughout the mansion, followed by muffled cries. Fenrir jolted up in his bed, staring at the door with wide eyes. He looked over at Tom, who was still fast asleep beside him. Saros was asleep soundly between the two men, Tom's arm curled around him in a sleepy protectiveness. Fenrir grabbed his wand from the bedside table and climbed out of bed. He slipped out of the room and closed the door almost silently. The smokey-brown haired man snuck down the stairs, his ears straining as the crying got louder. Fenrir's eyes widened. Rodolphus, Rabastian and Barty were kneeling in the landing of the mansion, a weeping Bellatrix squished between them. The front doors hung ajar, exposing Fenrir's bare chest to the cruel winds of the night.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Fenrir asked, looking between the four in a mix of confusion.
Bellatrix lifted her face from her husband's shoulder. Her eyes were puffy and her face was red. Her blood red lipstick was smeared and her lips were trembling. Tears strolled down her cheeks in vast waves. Fenrir knelt in front of the four. He looked at Rodolphus. His face was just as puffy as his wife's. The werewolf turned to the others. It was obvious Barty and Rabastian had been crying, but not as hard as the wed couple.
"Bella? Rodo? What happen-"
Bella burst out into a fresh set of tears, "MY BABY IS DEAD! THEY KILLED MY BABY! THEY KILLED MY BABY, FENRIR!" She wailed.
"What?! Who?!" Fenrir demanded, anger boiling his blood in thick waves.
"What in Merlin's name is going on here?!"
Everyone turned. Tom was standing at the top of the stairs, a now wide awake Saros in his arms.
"The Longbottoms...." Rodolphus was quiet, his voice trembling and broken, "... They... They shot Bella in the stomach with some curse.... Our baby... Our baby is dead."
Tom's eyes widened, "What?!"
The Dark Lord descended the stairs quickly.
"Tell me this is some cruel joke?" He practically whispered.
Rodolphus hung his head in shame. His pressed a kiss against Bellatrix's crazy, curly mess of hair.
"Bella... Rodolphus... I am so sorry." Tom whispered, handing Saros to Fenrir, "Here, come to the living room and sit by the fire."
The three men stood and helped Bellatrix to her feet. They lead the shaking woman to the living room and Tom turned to Fenrir.
"Keep an eye on them and make sure Bellatrix doesn't do anything brash. I will owl Narcissa immediately." Tom said.
Fenrir nodded. He placed a kiss on Tom's cheek before walking quickly into the living room.

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