New hatred

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Tom sat on the couch in Malfoy Manour, his head in his hands. Narcissa was sat in the armchair oppsosite him, one leg folded over the other with Draco nestled in his lap. Tom came to Malfoy Manour shortly after Rose had retrieved Saros. Guilt was purging his heart like the plague, and his mind was a storm. When Tom arrived, he gave Lucius a heart attack. Tom had slammed the doors open with a gust of magic, and Lucius, who was moving from the kitchen to the living room with a cup of tea, screamed and spilled the tea all over himself. In any other circumstance, Tom would've found it funny. Narcissa had raced down the stairs at her husbands, scream, wand in hand and a curse on her tongue. Upon seeting the defeated Dark Lord, she guided him to the living room while Lucius stormed upstairs to change. They were new robes, He had grumbled at least six times.

"My lord, will you please tell me what happened?" Narcissa sighed, shifting Draco slightly in her lap.
Tom sighed heavilly. He felt like crying.
"I've severely fucked up, Cissa." He said shakily.
Narcissa arched an eyebrow, "Care to elaborate?"
Tom took in a deep breath, held it, and exhaled slowly.
"Lucius and I were invited to the Ministry party last night..." Tom trailed off.
Narcissa nodded curtly, "Yes I am aware."
"...And during the party, I received a message from Fenrir's patronus," Tom swallowed, "I- I expelled it, because I didn't- didn't want to be suspicious. The next morning, I...."
Tom drew in a shaky breath.
"Deep breaths, Tom, deep breaths." Narcissa said softly.
Tom took three deep breaths before continuing.
"The next morning, I went to Fenrir's werewolf village, and.... He was racing outside in his animagus form. He... He told me one hundred and fourty seven werewolves had died. Fourty seven of which were children... I begged him for forgiveness... He took Saros and told me he needed space." Tom finished and covered his mouth with his hand.
Narcissa stared at the man in front of him, eyes wide and mouth agape. Lady Malfoy was completely at a loss for words. She couldn't imagine the grief Fenrir was going through, nor the guilt that claimed the Dark Lord's heart. She watched, stunned, as Tom crumbled in front of her.
"Where is he now?"
Tom choked, "I don't know! When I came back to talk to him, he was gone!"
Narcissa nodded in understanding. Draco looked over at Tom, confused and slightly scared.
"Saw?" Draco called.
Narcissa shushed him gently and kissed the boy's head.
"How about you go back to the manour and rest there while I-"
Tom lifted his head, "No! I have to find him!" He said desperately.
Narcissa rose to her feet, "Of course, my Lord, however, I'm not going to allow you to go on your own."
Tom nodded and ran his hands through his hair. He missed Fenrir and Saros. Tom couldn't picture a life without either of them. Fenrir was the first man in his life to show him happiness, to make him laugh. To love him. Saros... Tom sees as his son. Fenrir seems so happy everytime he's around the young child, and Tom just loved watching them interact. But last night? He knew he messed up. He prioritzed image over his family, and every minute he regrets it. Tom could see the hurt, rage, distrust and grief in Fenrir's eyes when he spoke. Tom was the first person Fenrir trusted, and Tom just broke it.

Fenrir lay on the air mattress, curled under a blanket with Saros curled up beside him. After the deal with Erebus, the vampire had lead Fenrir to his pack, and then to the large patch of land below the property. The werewolves had set up tents, all of them far too tired to even bother with proper houses. The tent Fenrir had put up was small, only really enough space for the air mattress he was sleeping on, but he really couldn't care less. As soon as the tent was transfigured from a twig, and the airbed was summoned, Fenrir fed Saros, and the two went to sleep.

Erebus stood over the sleeping alpha, his eyes glimmering with curiosity. How could the werewolf sleep so peacefully after this elegid attack on his village? Erebus had expected the werewolf to be restless, yet here he is, sleeping like a baby with his son nestled in his arms. Erebus allowed himself a grin. This werewolf intrigued the vampire greatly. How had he gotten that scar on his face? Or the many other little indents in his skin that littered every inch of his muscular body? So many stories for such little time. Erebus knelt, and pressed his index and middle finger on Fenrir's temple. A flash of images purged Erebus' vision. A blazing inferno, followed by a blurred whisp of light to darkness. The image changed, and all of a sudden, he was wittnessing Fenrir interact with a man with dark hair and red eyes. He listened to Fenrir shout at him, feeling the hurt and anger and distrust the werewolf was feeling. Erebus turned his attention to the man with dark hair. A hatred burned the vampire's heart. This man ignored the pleas of help of this alpha for a party? The sheer thought disgusted the vampire. Erebus pulled out of Fenrir's mind and gazed down at the werewolf's peaceful face. He swept a strand of hair from Fenrir's eyes before straightening.
"I'm not going to let that dreadful man anywhere near you, Alpha Greyback," He whispered, moving to exit the tent, "You have my word."
Erebus stalked back up to the castle, his fists clenched.

The vampire stormed through the castle and over to Aristeus' quarters. Erebus threw open the doors and slammed them shut behind him, making his brother look up from his book.
"What is it, brother?" The vampire sighed, turning the page.
Erebus sat down on the foot of the bed, "It's about the werewolf you assaulted last night."
Aristeus quirked an eyebrow, "I'm not going to apologise for the task you assigned me."
"It's not that, brother," Erebus sighed irritably, flopping back onto the bed and throwing his arm over his eyes, "It's about what happened beforehand."
"Beforehand? Why do you give a shit about what happened before they arrived?" Aristeus set his book down and folded hsi arms over his chest.
Erebus rolled onto his side to face his brother, "There was a fire in the alpha's old village. In the aftermath, the alpha met up with a man on the outskirts of the village. The human had said that he went to a party instead of answering the alpha's plea for help. The very thought of it makes my blood boil." He added with a growl.
"And I give a fuck why?" Aristeus asked, leaning back on his pillow and folding his arms under his head.
"I want you to patrol the area every night, to make sure he doesn't get anywhere near the alpha and his pack." Erebus replied, his fists clenching in the velvet sheets of his brother's bed.
Aristeus chuckled, "Okay, little brother, whatever you want. What's he look like?"
"Male, pale skin, red eyes, black hair, approximately five foot eleven inches in height." Erebus answered quickly.
Aristeus nodded, "Why do you want me to do this, anyway?"
"I want you to protect the alpha, his child, and the remains of his pack from that vile creature." Erebus hissed.
"Yes, boss." Aristeus sighed, standing up and sweeping from the room.
Erebus lay on his elder brother's bed, glaring a blazing hole into the window opposite him.

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