A simple dance

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Once Fenrir returned to the village, the first thing he did was send Rose to get Saros, and then he went back over to the hospital grounds. Miss Amelia was knelt over the triplets, waving her wand over Jasper's wounds and muttering a healing spell. Fenrir stalked over, glancing shyly at the dead as their families mourned. The younger children that survived had been taken to Miss Amelia's house to relax. They didn't need more trauma than they already had. Fenrir crouched down in front of a teenage boy near the front of the ruined building. He had dirty blonde hair and bright hazel eyes that were primed with tears. He looked skinny for his age, and his pale skin was covered with a green jumper, brown shorts and combat boots.
"What's your name, kid?" Fenrir asked softly.
The boy looked up at him, "Thomas Knickle."
Fenrir nodded curtly, "Where are you hurt?"
Thomas pulled his hands out from where they were buried in his sleeves and held them out. He had burn marks dancing along his palms, up to his fingertips and poking at his wrists. Fenrir pulled out his wand and carefully took one of his hands in his own.
"How'd you get these, Thomas?" Fenrir asked, waving his dimly glowing wand over the wound.
Thomas watched as the burns receited, and his pale, smooth skin slithered over the burnt wrinkles.
"I was trapped in my house when it caught alight. My sister went hunting with my dad, so they weren't home. I had to push open the burning door to get out," Thomas's voice cracked at the end, and tears filled his eyes, "I was so scared, Alpha. I could barely breath... One of the Ghast triplets carried me over here, while the other carried their brother. The one carrying me didn't let me see what was wrong with him... Is he alright, Alpha?" He asked shakily.
"Jasper? Yeah, he's fine, kid, and you're fine too. When your dad comes back I'll let him know how brave you were. Most grown adults would panic and give up. But you pushed on, and that's why you're still alive now. Remeber that." The werewolf finished, pocketing his wand after the healing process was healed.
Thomas stared up at Fenrir with wide eyes. Fenrir wiped the boy's tears with his thumbs before ruffling his hair. The werewolf straightened and pointed his wand at the ground. Over a hundred blankets appeared, folded neatly and each made of many different, bright colours.
"Wanna help hand these out, kid?" Fenrir asked, scooping up a few of the folded blankets.
Thomas nodded and pushed himself to his feet. The boy crouched, scooped up as many blankets he could before scurrying off to hand them out. Fenrir smiled gently before doing the same.

While Fenrir and Thomas handed out the shock blankets, Miss Amelia and her team of healers went on to tend to the wounds. Once the blankets had been handed out, Fenrir went to help with the healing with his limited skills, while Thomas went to distract and take care of the children with a couple other healed teens. The werewolf alpha did his best to keep everyone calm, and even helped one of the nurses - Lola - to put up a curtain to seperate the dead from the wounded.

When Fenrir had finished this task, he went out to asses the damage. Over half the village had been burnt to the ground, the ones that weren't burnt were the few grouped up on the border of the village. The houses could be salvaged, but the villaged was exposed. if Fenrir kept the pack here, he will be sentencing the rest of his pack to death.
Fenrir turned. Rose had returned, carrying Saros in her arms with a backpack strapped to her back. Rose made her way over to Fenrir, and handed him the young ravenette. Saros clung to Fenrir's shirt and buried his head in his chest.
"Doggie!" He chirped.
Fenrir chuckled and kissed his head, "Hey kiddo."
"Here, the Dark lord gave this to me. He said it had everything Saros needs in here." Rose spoke up, handing tha backpack to Fenrir.
Fenrir nodded and took the bag.
"What do you plan to do, if you don't mind me asking?" Rose asked, turning to the burnt village.
Fenrir sighed, "We're going to have to relocate."
"Any locations in mind?"
"No," Fenrir bounced Saros in his arms, "Many of the pack wouldn't want to move. This was the place the last alpha took them, and I didn't bother to move."
Rose ran a hand through her hair, "M'sure you'll find something. It's you, your the best thing to happen to us."
"The more I get told that, the less I believe it." Fenrir muttered.
"Once everyone is healed I want you to gather any salvageable items from the wreckage. Food, water, anything necessary for survival. We will bury the dead, pay our respects and move up North," Fenrir cut her off, "It will be difficult - especially if the pack won't cooperate - but it's the only option we have left."
"Go find your brother and gather what we need. I will be in whatever's left of my house if you need me." Fenrir interrupted her again.
The werewolf quickly left with Saros, leaving Rose staring after him with a saddened look on her face.
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to us, Alpha." She whispered.

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