Little miracle

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Fenrir stalked through the forest, his Fenrir sat at a table outside of the cafe in Diagon Alley, sitting cross-legged in the chair with Saros in his lap. Fenrir was spoon-feeding Saros small spoonfulls of the chocolate ice cream Saros wanted. Saros was eating the spoonfulls happily, letting out delighted squeals ever now and then. Fenrir was wearing a tight black shirt, grey cardigan and jeans, as well as his usual boots, with his hair was tied back into a messy bun. Saros was wearing a white shirt with little dragon wings on the back, with dark blue fleece trousers and blue trainers. Saros had some how managed to get ice cream all over his mouth, despite the small portions Fenrir was feeding him. Fenrir himself had a cup of ice tea, which he had put the healing herbs in. Fenrir didn't want to risk burning Saros if he spilled the drink, so instead of coffee, he ended up with ice tea. Fenrir wasn't complaining. Saros was happy and the herbs were taking their effect. The werewolf was drinking the tea through a straw between the bandages. The bandages provided a good disguise. Nobody even took a second glance at the werewolf. Fenrir scooped another small portion of ice cream and held it in front of Saros' lips. Saros ate the ice cream happily, making the werewolf grin. Fenrir grabbed the tea from the table and poked the straw through the bandages. He took a sip of the sweet drink, and Saros cooed up at him.
"Give's a sec, Pup, Doggie's gotta drink this." Fenrir muttered through the straw.
Saros cooed again and slumped back against the werewolf's chest. Fenrir took another small sip of the drink before setting it down and feeding Saros another spoonful of ice cream.

The two sat there, content, when all of a sudden a hand gripped Fenrir's shoulder. Fenrir's grip on Saros tightened and he lifted his head up. Lucius was stood over him, a half-asleep Draco in his arms. Lucius was wearing a black dress shirt, blazer and trousers with a silver waist coat and black shiny shoes. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a matching green ribbon, and his hands were covered with black leather gloves. Draco was wearing a white shirt with a picture of a dragon on it, black shorts, green socks and black shoes.
"DWAY!" Saros squealed upon seeing the blond.
"SAW!" Draco squealed back, wriggling in Lucius' arms to get to his cousin.
Fenrir held out his arm to take the child, and Lucius quickly handed the blond boy to him. The two boys quickly embraced and, when they pulled away, Saros proudly showed Draco his chocolate covered face. Draco stared at him with wide eyes, and let out some senseless babbling. Fenrir grinned at them before turning his attention back to Lucius.
"Luci? What's up? Is Cissa okay?" The werewolf asked.
Lucius sighed, "It's Bella. She's been really sick lately and nobody knows why."
"Is Narci-"
"Bellatrix won't allow her to. I was hoping you could come over to persuade her?"
"And what the ever-loving-" Fenrir cut himself off and glanced at the kids in his lap, "-Sweet honey makes you think that she'll listen to me?"
Lucius arched an eyebrow, but didn't comment, "She listens to you."
"Rebastian and Rodolphus?"
"Huddling in a corner terrified."
Fenrir sighed a long, tired sigh.
"I'll be there in half an hour." Fenrir said.
Lucius nodded, "Can I get my baby back?"
"Yeah, in half an hour."
The werewolf turned back to the table. He carefully spoon-fed Saros some of the remaining ice cream, and then Draco. Lucius sighed.
"Don't get ice cream on his clothes." Lucius grumbled before moving away.
Lucius trusted his friend, but he did not trust his chances of survival if he has to explain how he somehow managed to get Draco so dirty after a hunt for the werewolf.

Half an hour later, as promised, Fenrir brought Draco and Saros to the Lestrange estate. Estate was an understatement. Merlin, even Manour was an understatement. This was a fucking castle. The castle was made with black stone, with four grand turrets and a rather large garden. It was about double the size of the Black Family Manour, and it could fit the entire inner circle with at least two thirds of the castle empty. The castle was located in a village Fenrir didn't know the name of, somewhere Northeast of London.
"Where the hell do these guys get their money from?" Fenrir asked, "I lived on a bloody farm."
Saros babbled up at him, while Draco took to looking around the trees surrounding the property over Fenrir's shoulder. The werewolf moved over to the gate and kicked it open. He stepped through and kicked it closed. The werewolf moved down the leaf-littered pathway, the tail of the cardian flowing slightly in the small breeze. Draco was sat up in Fenrir's arms, gazing up at the castle with wide, curious eyes, while Saros slumped over the werewolf's shoulder, cooing at the leaves with great interest.

The werewolf eventually made it up the long pathway and stood on the porch, trying to figure out to open the door without disturbing the children. Fenrir placed his foot on the wood and pushed. Much to his surprise, the door opened, and the werewolf stepped through. Fenrir carefully shut the door with his foot and looked around the entrance hall. There was a grand staircase sat opposite the werewolf, blanketed with a red carpet that trailed all the way down to Fenrir's feet. The living room and the drawing room were not cut off by doors, but simply stood there, like an exhibit in a museum, waiting to be looked at. Fenrir peeked into the living room, and then the drawing room, only to find that they were empty, save for the expensive looking furniture.
"Lucius? Bellatrix? Narcissa? Lestrange?" Fenrir called, "I am in the right castle, right?"
Fenrir recieved no reply. The werewolf groaned. If this wasn't the right castle...

Fenrir moved up the stairs carefully, unconsiously tightening his grip on the two one-year-olds in his arms. He didn't want to fall down these stairs. Stone hurts. The werewolf continued up the stairs, glancing up every now and then to see if anyone was going to show up. When he finally reached the top, there was still nobody to greet him.
"Bella must be really fu- bad." Fenrir quickly corrected himself.
"NO!" Rang out through the space, making Fenrir jump.
The werewolf cautiously moved over to the sound, while Saros and Draco clutched onto his clothes and buried their heads on the crook of his neck.

Another cry rang out, followed by a loud crash. Fenrir flinched at the loud sound from the other side of the door he was standing in front of. The werewolf flinched at the sound. He carefully pushed the door open with his foot and peered into the room. Lucius, Rebastian, Rodolphus and Barty were all huddled up into the corner of the room, curled up in order to be missed by the objects that were flying around the room. Narcissa was crouching down by the side of the grand bed in the room, her arms held protectively over her head. Bellatrix was sat up in said bed, her jagged wand held high above her head and twirling madly. The items that were flying around the room consisted of a lamp, a chest of drawers, toothbrushes, a toothbrush pot, a plant pot and a hairbrush.
"Bellatrix!" Fenrir roared.
Bellatrix jumped and stared at Fenrir with wide eyes.
"Put 'em down, Bella!" Fenrir said sharply.
Bellatrix lowered her wand slowly, and the items in the air touched down onto the carpeted floor. Lucius and the others visibly relaxed, and the Lestrange brothers let go of each other. Bellatrix looked exhausted. She was pale with heavy bags under her eyes. Fenrir looked her over. He couldn't see anything physically wrong with her. Fenrir moved over to Narcissa and set Saros and Draco in her arms. The werewolf turned back to Bellatrix. He blinked, and the colour from his gaze melted. Whisps of colourful smoke filled from the room. A pink and white smoke surrounded Narcissa and the two children; her perfume and that weird baby smell. A bright blue and a purple was surrounding the four men in the corner; aftershave. Fenrir focused on Bellatrix. She was shrouded in grey smoke. The werewolf hummed and leant closer. Fenrir blinked again, and a red orb pulsed in front of the ravenette's chest. Then, suddenly, a small red dot appeared in his stomach. Fenrir's eyes widened and he leant even closer, resting his arms on the bed and blinking to see if his eyes decieved him.
"Merlin..." The werewolf muttered.
"Fenrir?" Narcissa asked, "What's the matter?"
Fenrir shook his head, and his vision returned to normal. He looked up at Bellatrix, who was gazing at him with wide and confused eyes.
"Bella... You're pregnant." He said softly.

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