history of cybertron

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One week since shockwave and the other drones killed the insecticon and it's been rough, considering what J's been through. The murder drone in question was lying on the make shift bed shockwave has constructed in a room and still has nightmares of what happened. The insecticon tearing her wing off with malice, J backing away while the beast slowly approaches her with murderous intent, that sinister laugh and voice, those massive claws.

"Die!" That one word echoed in her head. She sits up and looks towards the wound left by the insecticon. She remembered how shockwave faced the creature with little fear and how he saved her. She hears heavy footsteps approaching her door before the door was opened to reveal shockwave.

Shockwave had a bowl of a mix of worker drone oil and glowing blue liquid in his hands. Shockwave approaches J and places the bowl on her lap. J cautiously picks up the bowl and looks at the liquid in it.

"What's this?" J asked the emotionless scientist who just stared at her for a moment.

"It's a new formula I've been working on to make an alternative food source for murder drones." He replied blankly. J looks back to the mixed up liquid before she closed her eyes and took a sip. J's eyes shot opened at the taste of the liquid, it tastes sweet and slightly spicy. She took another sip of the mixture before she licks her lips as there are some that got on her mouth.

"It's good." J exclaimed as she took more of the formula. After she's done drinking it, she hands shockwave the empty bowl. Shockwave turns and walks out of the room before J speaks.

"Wait." J said, making shockwave to stop at the door.

"Back at the colony, you said you were never royal to the company. What did you mean by that?" She asked, making shockwave turn to her.

"I have already plagued my allegiance to someone else before I met you." He replied, making J tilt her head.

"Before you met us?" J repeated and shockwave nodded.

"I was not always a murder drone. Before life began on earth, there is a planet known as cybertron. That planet is home to an advanced race known as cybertronians or transformers to you due to our ability to transform. My people were enslaved until a gladiator rose from the ashes and gained a great amount of followers, I was one of those followers, his most loyal follower Is known as Soundwave. The gladiator named himself after one of the 13 original primes, the first cybertronians, megatronous. Megatronous befriended a librarian called orion pax. Megatronous then later changed his name to megatron before requesting his desires to the high council. He demanded all cybertronians to be treated as equals and demanded to be the next prime and to be given an ancient artifact known as the matrix of leader ship and if they didn't give him what he desired, then he would take by force but orion chose to do it without violence. The council was moved by orion's words and saw him worthy as the next prime." Shockwave explained and J was shocked to learn of this story, an alien race that's more advanced than any other lifeform. Shockwave then continues his story.

"After being betrayed, megatron declared war on those who deified him and named his followers 'decepticons'. Orion pax became Optimus prime and became leader of the autobots. We've been at war for a millennia until the very core of our planet died and we we're forced to leave our home. 95 years ago, both autobots and decepticons settled on planet earth and continued the war their without the humans knowing. The war came to an end when we tried to cyberform earth by using a device known as the omega-lock. A autobot scout known as bumblebee tried to deliver a weapon called the star sabre so I gave chase but failed to calculate the outcome when Optimus shot me and left me in a fatal state and some debris fell on me. When I pulled myself out of the rubble, the scout struck at our leader's spark, the heart of cybertronians, and killed him. Megatron's second in command, starscream, and the remaining decepticons abandoned me and left me at the mercy of the autobots. The autobots offered me to help but I denied them and chose to join me leader in the allspark, a great power that's able to give life to a cybertronian. But instead, I was found by your parent company and put me in the body you see now." He finished, leaving J to process all this information. A world torn by war and said war made its way to earth. Shockwave decides to leave her to think and walks out the door to see uzi, N and V by the door with concerning faces. He doesn't need a hint to tell him that they heard everything.

"Oh my god. Shockwave, you spent your whole life in a war that killed your world. That's just..." uzi exclaimed, trying to process all this.

"That explains the symbol on your arms and on your friends." V said with her arms crossed. Shockwave simply walked passed them and went downstairs. He places the bowl down on a table and resumes his research on his projects.

End of chapter 7


Sorry if this chapter is shorter than other chapters but I will make longer ones if I can.

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