A special announcement from Shockwave and Brawl

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"Ar-are we rolling?" Shockwave questioned quietly to the side as we see him sitting on a table with Brawl (wearing a santa hat) next to him on his right with a lush green forest background with a beautiful night sky with a majestic full moon.

"We are? Ok." Shockwave nodded before he and Brawl turned to you, the reader.

"Greetings, I am Shockwave and the individual by my right is Brawl but since you all read the 'Of Drones and Logic' story up to this point, you already knew that."

"Yep! And Despite the fact that me and Shockey here are supposed to be fighting off Scorn's Sentinels while the others go after Rampage while falling down an elevator in the 'Of Drones and Logic' universe, we are here to bring you all an exciting announcement for a new Murder Drones crossover fanfic for Christmas!"

"Indeed, Brawl. Jackattack has been thinking about this crossover for a while now and has finally decided to bring this crossover to life. Consider this his Christmas gift to all of you."

"And you know what else? The main protagonist of this new crossover is my best friend, V, who is currently behind us looking into the horizon as we speak. The only thing that she doesn't know we're here; we're basically a ghost to her."

Brawl gestures behind her for us to see V looking at the moon.

"Of course, this isn't the same V from the 'Of Drones and Logic' universe."

"Indeed Brawl, this is a version of V who had sacrificed herself to the Sentinels at the end of episode 6 of Murder Drones, Dead End, but didn't actually die. But we will have to get to that in a bit because we like to have a few words for the audience."

Shockwave then clears his vocal cables.

"Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and motivation to continue this story of ours. While I admit, it didn't have a great start, but that didn't stop you all from liking it. We appreciate it and the positive comments and feedback you have given us, most notably Renemuz_25 and Ericgeodasher. Jackattack has a lot of plans, characters, and ideas that he would like to introduce to the story in the future. Of course, we will have to wait for what Glitch has in store for Murder Drones before the author plans to continue writing more of this crossover."

"Can we show the readers the teaser for his new Murder Drones crossover?" Brawl asked impatiently, causing Shockwave to sigh in annoyance.

"Yes, Brawl, we can show them." Shockwave sighed, Brawl silently cheering to himself before he looked to the readers.

"Nowwithoutt any further ado..."

"Thank you all for your support and enjoy the teaser." the two cybertronians turned disassembly drones concluded before they faded away, leaving our attention focused on V as she gazed into the star filled horizon.

Suddenly, the trees shook, birds flying away from them, prompting V to turn to those trees curiously. It wasn't long before a creature resembling a T-rex emerging from the thick vegetation in a rush. It had black and grey fur and pink hide.

V's posture shifted as she narrowed her eyes, her wings slowly sprouting, ready to take off at any giving moment.

The pink T-rex-like creature looks around for a moment before it took notice of V. Immediately, the creature roars and starts running towards her, its mighty legs carrying it closer to her before she took off deeper into the forest, the creature following suit.

The tree branches above her were too think for her to fly ou,  so her best option was to fly straight. Sheslippeds through multiple smaller tree, but the pink T-rex creature bursts through them and continued its pursuit.

V growls to herself before she noticed a tunnel leading up higher into the forest so she immediately heads straight towards it. V enters through the tunnel and ascends upwards, looking back to see the pink T-rex squeezing itself into the tunnel.

V travels higher into the tunnel before she emerges into a larger area. V looks back as her hand swaps with a missile, seeing the pink T-rex emerging from the tunnel as well before she fired.

The creature cries out as the missile exploded upon contact, creating a cloud of smoke. V took this chance and hid in a hollowed out tree trunk. The creature snarls as the smoke clears, looking around before a prominent nasal crest unfolds and starts sniffing around for V's scent, leading it to the tree trunk V was hiding in.

The female disassembly drone sighs in relief before her eyes widen when the pink T-rex suddenly pokes its head into the trunk, sniffing around before it saw V. The creature immediately lets out a loud roar, forcing V to cover her audio receptors before the beast destroys the trunk.

V looks towards the creature before its throat began to glow a fiery red and unleashes a stream of fire at her. V quickly dodges the fire attack and began to fly higher into the tree she was in, the creature following suit.

V then arrives to an open at the very top of the tree, the moon shining at it before the creature appears behind her shortly. She turns to face the savage beast as it slowly moved closer, flames crackling from its mouth.

V took notice of the loose boulders hanging from a few vines, looking like they could fall at any given moment, directly above the creature. A grin then forms on her face, swapping her hand with a gun before firing at the loose boulders, causing them to fall.

The pink T-rex looks up before it was met with the boulder, knocking it down as it cried out in pain. It limps on its side, desperately trying to get up before something flew over head, its shadow passing V and the creature.

The dinosaur-like creature looks to where the shadow went before it started to panic, trying to get back on its feet more desperate than before before a giant fire ball rained down upon it.

V covers her visor from the smoke before she saw something larger crashed into the pink dinosaur, digging its claws into it causing it to roar in pain before a set of jaws bit down on its neck, finishing it off.

V took on a defensive stance when the new arrival turned its head to the disassembly drone, revealing it to be a bipedal wyvern, its scales primarily red with black markings throughout. It bared a long thick tail featuring a spiked club at the end. Its wing membranes feature ornate patterns on them. V's eyes studied the creature before her, seeing that she was in the presence of the ruler of this domain, the king.

The King of the Skies.

V swaps her gun to a blade as she did with her hand as the red wyvern turns to face her with a growl, fire building up in its throat as we hear a familiar heroic them playing in the background.

The wyvern rears back until it lets out an ear shattering shriek before it unleashes a fireball upon her. The flames change our vision to something else, revealing the title of this new Murder Drones crossover fanfiction.

 The flames change our vision to something else, revealing the title of this new Murder Drones crossover fanfiction

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Coming soon... If rad enough.

(I do not own Murder Drones, Transformers or Monster Hunter)

Merry Christmas and happy birthday to me

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