Project Scorn VHS tape #5

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The sound of a VHS tape being inserted was heard before we see the screen flashed to reveal a very concerned Dr Ethan Saldon.

"Log number 114. In relation: SC-87, the final product of Project Scorn. This week has been... worrying."

Dr Saldon placed his elbow on the table, resting his head on the palm of the hand of that arm.

"SC-87 has been becoming more and more aggressive towards us humans lately. It has been snarling and biting at us whenever we get close to it. Not only that, but the regular variant Sentinels have been starting to become disobedient like SC-87 has been, making our ability to handle them more and more difficult."

"It has been like this for a few weeks. We just left SC-87 alone and focused our efforts on trying to put the Sentinels back under control, hoping that SC-87 would eventually calm down... until one staff member approached it in an attempt to put it back in its pen."

Dr Saldon shivers uncomfortably.

"SC-87 attacked him... brutally... just like that without a second thought. We have to use an EMP to stop it from killing the victim. The damage was quite severe, putting him in critical condition. The medical staff has been successful in having the victim hooked onto to life support and now he's in a comatose state... while SC-87 has been relocated in a secure location deep within the facility."

Dr Saldon runs a hand through his hair.

"This is just... difficult to process but it is now clear that SC-87 yields not only an unprecedented level of intelligence... and an terrifyingly alarming willingness to commit violence."

Dr Saldon just shook his head.

"What the hell happened? What the actual, god damn hell caused SC-87 to go from a shy, timid coward of a Sentinel into a violent killer?! I DON'T F****** UNDERSTAND!" Dr Saldon shouted, slamming his fist on the table, breathing heavily.

Then came an idea.

Dr Saldon turns to his computer and began typing on the computer.

"SC-87 interior is being examined and monitored at the moment. Since my computer is linked to the computers that is displaying SC-87's assemblage, I should see able to see its condition."

The computer finally displayed the status of SC-87's assemblage, from its wiring to its AI to its-

"What?" Dr Saldon breathes in confusion as he saw the file of SC-87's core.

"This doesn't make sense... the rythem of SC-87's core is irregular." He thought aloud as he looked at the file.

"Sentinel cores are supposed to have a simple flow, and yet SC-87's core is displaying some abnormalities; setting off electrical discharges that keep rising and falling in a consistent pattern. It's almost as if..."

Dr Saldon eyes the computer screen before his eyes widened.

"Dear. God. If I convert these data points... to audio files."

Dr Saldon types on the computer and listened.

Slowly, a faint, yet familiar sound could be heard from the computer and echoed throught the room. The sound continues to grow increasingly louder by a small amount. And finally, the sound finally became clear; the slow yet steady "thump" sound...

Of a heartbeat.

"I... Don't... Believe it." Dr Saldon breathed in utter disbelief, unknowingly standing up and backing away from the desk.

"This... this isn't possible. A heart pumps blood, there's nothing inside SC-87 to pump except-"

His eyes widened yet again, immediately reaching for a desk drawer. He opens it and grabs the glowing blue crystal inside it.

The starelliam shard.

Dr Saldon goes back to his computer, typing on the keyboard before the screen displayed the giant robot that was used by JcJenson to bring Project Scorn into existence.

Dr Saldon looks at the shared in his hand before back at the screen.

"We dug up and disassembled the remains... of an alien."

Dr Saldon backs off from the computer, shaking his head.

"I need to have a word with the minds behind Project Scorn. That THING we created... that's no Sentinel." Dr Saldon concluded before he begins to leave the room after he reaches for the camera.

The video log ends.

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