Chapter 28

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You were talking to Harry when someone walks into your classroom

"Don't worry I get life is tough, just get those three questions done and I'll accept it as complete." You say and Harry nods and hugs you and you smile and hug him back

You then hear someone clear their throat

Harry looks over and you do as well to see Lucius

Harry just says he'll leave and you wanted to say don't leave me with him, but Harry left and Lucius walks over

"Hi." Lucius says and you wave at him not wanting to talk to him

"Can I help you?" You ask not able to look him in the eyes

Lucius grabs your chin and forces you to look at him

"There's my good girl." Lucius says and you pull your head away from him

"Don't it was a mistake, and don't you hate me? I'm a mudblood." You say and Lucius's eyes widen in shock as you called yourself that word

"What a filthy word coming from such a beautiful mouth." Lucius says and you shrug

"Well that's what I am and I've always understood that." You say and Lucius sits on your desk and caresses your cheek

"No, don't call yourself that." Lucius says and why would he care? He calls people like you it all the time

"Why not? You call people like me it so whats makes me any different?" You ask and Lucius kisses you and you wanted to pull away but kiss him back

"Your not one, because I love you." Lucius says and then you hear a knock on your classroom door and pull away to see Draco who looked shocked

"I uh came to hand in my assignment." Draco says and Draco walks over and hands it to you and you smile at him

"Thank you I'll make sure to grade it by next week." You say and Draco just immediately leaves and Lucius then kisses you again as his hand moves down to your blouse buttons "No don't." You say pulling away and Lucius looked confused but let you get up and walk off

"What." Lucius asks concerned and you sigh

"I am not gonna do that with you, it was a mistake and won't ever happen again, I won't allow you to use me." You say and suddenly his hands wrap around you and Lucius starts kissing your neck

"Would you call me crazy if I said I love you?" Lucius asks and you nod

"Yes I would, I'd bring you to an insane asylum and check you in." You say as you sit back down in your chair as Lucius stands in front of you and pins you there so you can't leave

"Well I think it would be easier if I showed you my memories because I really don't think if I explained it you wouldn't trust me." Lucius says and you sigh and Lucius puts his hand out and you take it and he apparates you somewhere

You just wanted him to leave you alone he killed your parents, you just want him away

After Lucius sets everything up he shows you his memories

From him first meeting you and how he fell in love with you

Him being your secret admirer

And the truth of what happened the night your parents died

And how he made himself forget about you

You looked at him after he showed you everything

Lucius was drinking some wine when you finish

"Care for a drink?" Lucius asks and you shake your heard

"I have to teach still, so I can't drink." You say and Lucius nods

"Ok." Lucius says and you nod and you didn't know what to think right now

"I should go, my class starts soon." You say and Lucius nods and you leave needing to think about what you saw 'I don't know what to think right now, like what do I do? I had placed my anger towards Lucius malfoy for years and now he's not the one who killed my parents? He's not the one I should be angry at?'

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