Chapter 45

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As months passed umbridge was really taking over the school

Decree after decree gosh lessons were getting harder to teach

And students just weren't having fun being here anymore

You tried to still make your class fun but obviously mostly everyone wasn't happy

Lucius walks in and sees how stressed you are

"Are you ok?" He asks and you sigh

"No I am so stressed." You say and Lucius walks behind your chair and starts massaging your shoulders

"How about you forget your work for now just relax." He says and you sigh as you take a deep breath

"I am so stressed Umbridge is ruining my life." You say and Lucius kisses your cheek

"Well I'll have to fix that immediately." He says and you sigh so tired mentally and physically

Lucius kisses your neck and you let out a moan as you then hear professor l/n?

Your eyes open wide as you see Draco. Oh shit

"Oh dad hi I didn't know you were here today." Draco says handing you his assignment.

"Yes I like checking in on her." Lucius says and you still haven't told Lucius about Draco asking you to get pregnant yet maybe you should soon

"He's annoying." You say and Draco chuckles as Lucius smirks and oh no your in trouble aren't you

Lucius looks at you like yes yes you are in trouble for that you just sigh so tired

Draco leaves and Lucius whispers in your ear

"Sorry my love is annoying to you." Lucius says and you sigh

"No it's not I was just kidding." You say super tired and Lucius rubs your back "Oh right Draco asked me to get pregnant by you so he can have a sibling." 

"What?" Lucius says and you nod

"Yeah apparently I was his last hope in getting the sibling he wants right now." You say and Lucius sighs

"Yes because both me and Narcissa have said no so of course he goes to you and asks." Lucius says and you nod

"Huh well I do not wanna get pregnant until like three years maybe." You say and Lucius chuckles

"With all the sex we do I'd give it a year." Lucius says and you lean on him so tired and he just holds you as you shrug to what he said and then accidentally start to fall asleep needing some kinda of rest 'Poor y/n, I'll use my power to get Umbridge to leave her alone I feel like she should have known better.'

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