Chapter 51

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Sure enough you were pregnant you were 4 weeks.

And when you told Lucius well he has become even more protective of you, showing up to your classroom now checking in on you whenever he can not caring is umbridge sees him anymore

He won't stop sending you letters now if he can't show up

Today on your day off as all your tests were finished for this week Lucius took you back to the manor for a day to spend time with you

You were cuddling on the floor with him in front of the fireplace with a bunch of pillows were stacked to make it comfortable

You take a bite of the food placed on the coffee table next to you and Lucius

"Well isn't this romantic." You say and Lucius smiles

"Well only the best for you y/n, but I was wondering something." Lucius says and you look up at him well as much as you could when you were leaning on his chest so comfortable right now

"Yeah?" You ask as you were playing with the rings on his fingers

"I well in my world when someone your with gets pregnant and your not married yet, well you propose to them......" Lucius says and you sigh you know how he still is very concerned about his social standing and still likes to follow the rules of his world, but he knows he can't always do that and he is always confused on what to do, raising a child with him will be difficult very difficult when he will want to do it all how he was taught his whole life, or how he raised Draco. He is fighting what you want and what he's been taught as his duty, so of course he wants to propose to you he sees it as his duty to propose to the mother of his child. But well he's not dating a rich pureblood anymore he's dating you a muggleborn who definitely isn't rich and from an entirely different world. So things are different and he doesn't know how to go about things anymore, his mind is all scrambled and he's so confused

"If your asking if you can propose to me now and why you decided to try and do this big romantic night, I'll say yes of course you can Lucius, you can stop shaking now love. I don't want you to be so anxious over something so small, so if it will help you then I don't mind it." You say and Lucius smiles as he kisses your cheek as you smile back at him he seemed so stressed about this so you'll agree

"I know it's so soon but you are the only one I'll ever truly love I know that, so y/n m/n l/n will you marry me?" Lucius asks opening the fancy ring box to reveal probably the most expensive piece of jewelry you've ever seen and you smile

"Of course Lucius." You say as he puts the ring on you and kisses you and you kiss him back

And it's not like you both are getting married soon it'll be years to come anyways, but you'll compromise with this for him as it seems to be causing him a lot of anxiety right now

'I knew when I got with y/n I'd have to take it slow, but we'll seems the world did it at my pace anyways, but I mean if it was my pace I would have been engaged to y/n immediately when we got together so this is slow for me.'

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