Chapter 54

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You were back at the manor and you just stared at the wall not knowing what to think

Lucius was in prison? And your here all alone when he should be here

Sirius was taking care of you as Draco had went to stay with his mother

"Y/n how are you feeling?" He asks and you sigh as Sirius rubs your back as you were hugging him

"Terrible." You say as the tests wouldn't stop

"He didn't wanna be one he had to all to protect you y/n he had to." Sirius says and you nod you don't know what to do or think anymore

You don't blame Lucius he did what he had to thinking he was protecting you, he did all he could. And you being pregnant probably made him not fight and just go wherever they told him to go, do whatever they told him to do

It's probably why he was there, he was there because if he wasn't he was scared they'd figure out why and kill you or even him for betraying them

"What if he never gets out?" You ask and Sirius sighs

"Hey I broke out right? He's going to go through hell but he'll come back to you." Sirius says and you nod as you put a hand where the baby is

"I don't think I can do this alone." You say and Sirius smiles

"Don't worry I'll be here for you I'm not leaving you." Sirius says and you nod as you dry your tears

'I am glad I have Sirius with me, I don't think I'd be able to survive fully alone it would be too much.' You think as Sirius tells you how he will always be there for you no matter what, he's the best foster brother you could ask for "Thank you Sirius for always being there for me." You say and he smiles as he hugs you tightly

"Of course I'd do anything for the best sister ever." Sirius says as you may not have Lucius for who knows how long but you have your best friend to support you it's enough for now

'I hope he comes back soon I don't know if I can wait 12 years for him to break out like Sirius, I hope he isn't in there long.'

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