Chapter 69

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Draco suggested going to the beach with Luciana, Lucius agreed enthusiastically

"It'll be perfect for her to experience water." Lucius was looking proud he gets to experience Luciana at the beach for the first time

"Good thing I bought baby floaty's before we left." Lucius looked confused as you pulled out the little baby arm floaty's from a bag

"What are those they are adorable!" Lucius says, as he let out an amazed gasp as you swore his eyes were twinkling 

"They are arm floaty's we use them in the muggle world for children and babies so they can be in the water and it's safer for them." You say and Lucius was already putting them on Luciana saying look how cute you look darling and even booping her nose which made her giggle and scrunch up her nose "How about you go get her changed into her swimsuit."

You walk upstairs to go change into yours as Lucius was telling Luciana how pretty she's going to look in the swimsuit mom bought her

When you finish changing into your two piece swim suit

Lucius already had Luciana ready and you were confused was he not changing? Draco was but Lucius nope he was still in his black pants and white button up shirt

"Lucius not changing?" You ask and Lucius smiles

"No I don't swim." He says and Draco chuckles

"He means he doesn't know how and won't touch bodies of water now." Lucius glares at him as you chuckle

"Lucius don't worry I can teach you, you'll want to teach Luciana when she's older won't you." You say knowing Lucius will want to experience it

"Fine." He wasn't excited at all it was obvious from his face

But Lucius walked up stairs and begrudgingly got changed into the swimsuit you bought him before you all left. You take Luciana and Draco down to the beach as Lucius was getting changed

Draco had Luciana now as you set everything up and he was putting her feet in the sand and right when she would giggle that her feet were touching the sand he would pick her up out of the sand

He just repeated it making Luciana laugh louder every time he did it until Lucius walked over and then Draco and Luciana just sat in the sand with Lucius

Luciana still was giggling happily.

"She seems happy." Lucius says smiling at Luciana

"Because her brother was playing with her." Lucius smiles as Draco looked so happy having his sister with him

"I truly can't believe you had to divorce mom just to give me a sister." Draco says and Lucius chuckles

"Yes your welcome."

"Draco you truly never seemed to care they did divorce why is that? Most kids I deal with who have divorced parents are completely devastated." You say and Lucius nods as he looks at Draco he never  really thought about it but yeah he always was chill about it

"Because they made each other miserable, gosh you should have seen them they made each other so miserable while pretending they didn't and we're actually in love, gosh I would have signed the papers for them." Draco says and Lucius sighs as he nods

"I mean yeah that is true we did make each other miserable only staying together truly for Draco until we just couldn't anymore."

"Yeah I mean I had mumbled once as they were fighting just divorce already, next day they stopped faking and fighting and in that year they were finally divorced." Draco says almost happy that they aren't together anymore as they both were finally happy his mom happy alone and his dad happy with you "And thanks to them divorcing I got a little sister so I'm happy it worked out." Draco says happy as he tickles Luciana's sides and she starts giggling as she kicks her feet in front of her happily

"I guess your welcome." Lucius says as you try and pull him into the water and he tries to stop you

"Hey you can't just drag me in without mentally preparing me or anything." Lucius says and you chuckle

"Hey I got you big baby." You say as you hold him close to you as you go deeper into the water

"If I die know you'll never get to marry me so ha." Lucius says as that's the only thing he really has against you, your already in his will so what can he do? Say you won't get a single dime from him too late you already get a house and a lot of money from him so he can't say much about that

"Don't worry I won't let you die." You say and Lucius smiles at you he loved you so much

'I honestly wonder if I ever even wanna go back home and just stay here where it's peaceful with y/n forever, it's nice and I may wanna stay here forever.'

The One I Used to LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora