1.4 Finally

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Book 1: Chapter 4 Finally

On  Friday morning just before the change of class, hope knocked on Zim's door as the teacher gave a 2 person group project. He assigned the pairs and to Zim's surprise Rakel was his partner. Finally he could have the conversation he's been almost needing to have. He needed the answers. 

Just when the teacher finished class the bell rang. Everyone picked up their belongings and started getting out. Dib took his but stopped besides Rakel's seat. "Are you sure you're fine working with Zim? You can try to change groups and join me. Gretchen won't have any problems, I guess."

Zim could see that Rakel was about to answer and he decided to step in and secure this golden opportunity. "Yes she will be fine Dib-stink. She has to feel honored to be working for the Almighty Zim!" He emphasized his name for power. "Now begone earth-monkey." 

Dib frowned  as he stared at the green boy. "Geez, Zim you're a jerk." The boy with the black coat turned to Rakel and attempted to ignore Zim. "Let me know if you change your mind. This is what you will be dea-" 

 A low growl slipped out of the irken as Dib went back to the subject and couldn't just let it go. It was getting frustrating and irritating having this guy trying to destroy his life in any way possible.  Luckily, the stupid human understood that he wasn't welcomed anymore and went away. Zim observed him leave with a prideful look behind his contact lenses. 

"Why did you do that?" Rakel questioned not really understanding the deal between them and let alone liking the way they treated each other.

Zim's expression melted away as he looked curiously at Rakel. "What? Do what?" 

"Forget it. Come on." 

Zim stood there for a few seconds as he watched her leave before whispering to himself "No one tells Zim what to do..." 

"What do you want to talk in private?" Rakel asked as soon as she noticed Zim walking by her side. 

"I will tell you later..." He paused for a moment to pick the right words. "Can we.. uhh...reunite after school today?" 

The girl remained quiet as she mentally revised her schedule. "Yes. I guess I don't have anything for today." 

"When school's over meet me at the gate." He said with a slight commanding tone before opening the door of their next class. 


After eternal hours of the  babbling of a teacher the bell for  lunch rang.  Dib and Rakel got out of the classroom together and headed towards the bench under the tree outside. "I wonder what is wrong with Zim. I mean we have always fought but he's acting quite strange. Like, angry, more violent, distracted? I dunno." 

"Perhaps He's just upset. He's also been trying to have a conversation with me about something." 

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