2.3 The Decision

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Book 2: Chapter 3 The Decision

During the college courses Rakel sat and  tried to pay attention to class but her mind wondered about Zim and what had happened with the call he had to make. Maybe he was called back, maybe he was indeed working on something big. Who knew but nonetheless Rakel wished for his safety. Little did she know that Zim had been somewhat destroyed. 

After class Dib and Rakel went on their way to pay a visit to Zim. Just as they agreed if he was absent said day. Which he was. The walk was a silent one as something didn't strike as right. After what it felt like a hike Zim's base finally came in to view. 

Dib observed it while he hummed. "That's strange... Zim's house usually has an abnormal green glow to it." 

Rakel's chest grew heavy at Dib's comment since something did seemed off.

They both entered the front yard and there was no security, no gnomes trying to kill anyone or robot gophers trying to torture the intruders. As Dib inspected the gnomes to see if they were glitchy or broken Rakel made it to the entrance where she found out that the door was unlocked. 

"Dib." The girl called. "The door is unlocked." 

Dib looked at her in disbelief and shrugged trying to figure out any other options that weren't so negative. "Maybe his robot dog left it open. Once the little robot left the window open and I was able to get inside." He smiled. 

Rakel gazed back to the door. "It doesn't feel right." 

Without any second thoughts the hybrid opened the door and made her way in. Suddenly she stopped, gasped in surprise and contemplated the disaster encountered inside. Broken cables, shattered glass all over the floor and a large tv destroyed on the floor. A lot of other things, maybe other experiments also were on the ground shattered.

Dib gulped as reality hit and accepted things seemed to be off. By a lot. 

"Zim!" Rakel called in an urgent tone. "Zim!"

"Let's check down in his lab. Maybe he's in there." Dib suggested to which Rakel agreed. 

They both made it to the elevator and asked the computer to take them there. After a few seconds of silence the computer agreed and took them to where Zim was. Just as the room above, the laboratory was a disaster. Shattered crystals and broken tubes decorated everything plus the rooms where only lit every time there was an electrical charge. None commented anything as they walked through the destroyed lab. 

"Zim... Where are you?" Rakel asked but still no answer. Not even from Gir. 

Both walked towards the control room where the monitors were, it was messy but not as the other parts of the base. Rakel only frowned both angry and worried. 

"Zim!" She called one more time yet the answer was a bunch of crystal shattering against the floor. Rakel and Dib made their way towards the noise. Once they entered the room they saw the alien trying to stand from the floor. 

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