1.5 Memories & Life

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Book 1: Chapter 5 Memories & Life

When the necessary cables were attached on the female Zim started the procedure. Loud noises filled the room as the computer sent electric shocks to Rakel's brain and her body received a foreign substance. Zim also took this time to connect his PAK and command the computer to keep decoding his memories. 

Five minutes went by and the machine stopped. The hybrid remained on the stretcher with her eyes closed, almost unconscious. 

Zim approached his old friend and called her, though there was no answer. He tried one more time but still there was no answer. His pulse increased as he began to run over the possibility that he had just killed her, that maybe her body was now frail or that his machine malfunctioned. Either of those ways the conclusion was the same. He had killed her. His eyes shifted around the room and the girl as he quieted his thoughts and figured out what to do. First, he disconnected himself from the computer and left the rest of his decoding for later then, he went over her. "Breathing! Yes. Check if she's breathing. " He intently observed the girl's chest until he saw the movement. She was breathing and with that confirmation a heavy weight was lifted. He sighed in relief and assumed she was just recovering. "Computer! Check her vitals and keep them on screen. We should monitor her just to know everything is working like it's supposed to."  

On the other side the memories ran back and forth. Old memories from when she was only a couple of years old and her early life. Memories of her mom, her dad, her early childhood friends, Zim, the academy, the bracelet, Irk and the war. 

The war.

The forgotten war.

The one that took her parents lives and gave her a ticket straight to an unknown planet called Earth.

Rakel's eyes snapped open but, they hurt to the sudden exposure to light. "Zim?" She called as she waited for her eyes to adapt at the bright monitor screen in front of her. 

"Yes." He replied in an unnecessary low and slightly evil tone.

At the sight of the irken invader Rakel smiled while tears threatened to invade her eyes. All the lost memories were back. She knew now. She knew who Zim was and most importantly who she was and how her early life had been. "I remember!... I... Even though I wasn't conscious about it I've missed you, Zim. I believed I wasn't going to see you ever again. The Tallests must have blocked the memories from everyone. And somehow I kept this!" She lifted her hand a bit to look at the silver bracelet. "The portable communications device you built!" Rakel touched the bracelet. "You gave this to me... so we would never stop communicating..." 

"Success!" His chest puffed and  felt light, and couldn't hide the smile as he reunited with an old friend and a fellow invader too. But there were things that needed to still be uncovered. His past life mattered to him and also the reason why they were locked. "Now, now. I have  a MIGHTY NEED for answers. TELL ME!" 

"Ask me." 

"How did we meet?" Zim asked with too much pride in his tone.

"We studied at the academy. But I actually met you through Invader Skoodge. We used to train together but then Red, Purple and you joined." She explained trying to be brief. After all having back all this information was getting her head to pound and hurt. 

"The academy and Skoodge?" Silently the Irken thought for a few moments before a couple of memories rushed back into his system. 


"We were at the academy when they invaded Irk. That's why you were returned..." Zim finished that sentence in a sad tone. 

"It doesn't matter anymore. We're here now."  She smiled with a bit of struggle she made it out of her chair and stood a couple of feet away from her long lost and found friend. Soon an evil smirk formed on her face as she approached him. 

"I also remember your weakness..." 

"Zim has no weak- Oh no..." He now also remembered that she knew something borderline humiliating to admit. He started to take a step back as slowly as she approached. "No no no no! NO!" 

Rakel extended her hand and was able to gently touch his antennae and pet them. Which made the irken purr audibly like a vulnerable loving kitten. "You're still easy to dominate." Rakel teased before stopping. 

At her comment a visible change of color was seen on the Zim's cheeks. "DO NOT tell anyone about this." He hissed as he tried to act as if nothing happened. However deep inside he remembered that sensation, how it made him feel, and how much he liked it. For a little moment he lost himself and before Rakel could pull away completely he grabbed her hand and lowered it. Then he tilted his antennae forward until the lower tip could touch her face. With his antennae he scanned her face by carefully moving them around, and identified her. It was indeed her. 

Rakel only stood and smiled as she remembered it was a gesture he would do when he greeted her. Strangely enough he ever only did it with her. After a few seconds when Zim had pulled away his antennae she reminded him the original purpose of her visit. "You know, as much as I would like to catch up, we should start the assignment preferably before this headache gets the best of me." 

She was right and Zim knew it but still agreed with a groan. More than the Dib he actually hated school and then everyone in it. 

The hours passed, the project was completed and Rakel had already left the base. Zim sat on the couch and stared at the black tv screen deep in thought.  She remembered....But why would the Tallests block the data. Not even the Tallests were supposed to get in an Invader's personal life... But my neurotransmitters worked... Zim is winning.

Silence now both filled the atmosphere and his mind. Though his attention was caught by something else. Something he felt. He used to feel. He remembers that now, perhaps even feel much more complex feelings than just love for destruction and snacks like any other invader. But what was he feeling now? Was it hate? No, it was warm and peaceful. Just like how you feel when you succeed at taking over the planet. Ah yes, that was it. Happiness.

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