3.6 The War (Phase 1)

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Book 3: Chapter 6 The War (Phase 1)

"...And now my unfortunate friend. You will discover a war you're unable to win." 

A month passed as the final details were revised and they were ready to strike. The surface of Mars was covered in rows of battle spaceships and the rebels were all gathered around Zim and Dib waiting for the command to leave. 

Dib was revising the stock, checking that every rebel had their supplies, their instructions, coordinates and weapons. Zim was on Dib's side and his foot tapped the floor repeatedly  and at some point he rolled his eyes as the other worked. When Dib nodded a yes, an indication that everything was indeed in order. Zim finally addressed the rebels. 

"Fellow rebel soldiers, we are gathered here with a mission. We need to be quick and precise as this war needs to be won without bloodshed. Let's show them we are NOT to be messed with! Let's take back what they stole! Go to your ships and await my signal." 

Everyone followed the commander without question and boarded their respective ships, turned them on and awaited for further instructions. Zim and Dib also boarded one big spaceship along with Gir, Minimoose and a another alien who was assigned to be their pilot. Zim sat on the copilot seat and transmitted to all ships. 

"Each team has coordinates to the planet assigned, use the cloaking feature once you're near. We have to enter the planet's orbit undetected. When you're in position confirm. And when I give the order we will first cut the planet's communication and then strike as instructed. Then, we will all meet at Irk's orbit. Understood?" 

"T1 understands and is ready." Leader for Team 1 confirmed. 

"T2 understands and is ready." Leader for Team 2 confirmed. 

"Pirate Monkeys understands and is ready." Gaz who was assigned as the leader for the Team Support confirmed. 

"Pirate Monkeys? Who told you to change the name?" Zim asked.

"Heeheehee MONKEY!" The sir unit screamed from behind Zim. 

"We like it better." Gaz answered unbothered. 

Zim didn't even respond to that as there were much more important things ahead. "We go 3...2...1... Go!" 

As Zim gave the final order every spaceship lifted towards the sky and headed towards their respective coordinates. T1 headed towards planet Devastis, T2 towards The Conveyor Belt planet, the Pirate Monkeys divided their crew so they could assist T1 and T2, and Zim's ship headed towards the Gargantis Array. 

A silence filled the atmosphere within the irken commander's ship. Dib was on one of the backseats watching Gir and Minimoose while Zim looked ahead and observed every planet, galaxy, and star they passed. He tried to hide his nerves by revising the plan over and over again. Mostly to make sure it was perfect and he wasn't forgetting anything. It wasn't long when the silence was interrupted by the pilot who commented that they were going to do a jump soon. Zim agreed absentmindedly while Dib held for dear life on to his seatbelt. It wasn't his first time flying but given the circumstances he couldn't help but feel his heart a little heavy and his stomach as if it were a knot at this point. 

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