2.1 The Call

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Book 2: Chapter 1 The Call

Between insults, a couple of fights and laughs three years passed and the trio formed a strong bond. The three became really good friends asides their differences and life goals. But as always Zim wouldn't admit  that fact. At least not openly.

Dib was now completely alone since, Gaz had decided to move away from the house and Membrane was never really in it. Not even to say hello to his children. Even though Dib was already used to it the house did feel empty with the silence they left. 

Zim took a break from wanting to destroy the Earth because he was still waiting for the Tallest's call. In the meantime he focused on studying the planet and its laws of physics. Though the more he knew the more fascinating he would find it. 

Asides studying more things began to change in him. He was starting to feel al nervous and dumb and warm every time he was with Rakel. After doing some research he concluded that perhaps he was not actually infected with a disease and it was just that he was "falling" for her as the interwebs called it.

Rakel was always in the middle of them when they fought to bring peace between the two.  Her apartment building was going to close and she had to find a new place to stay soon. Also she was beginning to care a little too much for Zim. Her thoughts began to drift on to him from time to time and his presence always felt reassuring . Though she decided to ignore her feelings for now. Perhaps it was just a silly crush that would go away with time. 

A new year starts where the trio are in college. Zim and Dib had decided to study quantum physics together while Rakel decided to study medicine to become a doctor. Even when they chose different things, they still saw each other between classes, in the break and at the end of their day.


Dib entered the new place and glanced from side to side. His heart beat at a quick pace and his mouth carried a forced smile. Sure, there were familiar faces but they were just as nervous as he was plus they weren't the ones he was looking for. At the distance, when a couple of people moved he was able to see them. Zim and Rakel were talking in front of their lockers when the girl noticed Dib approaching. 

Once he was near enough he extended his arms and embraced both in a hug. "I've missed you two these last two weeks." 

Zim frowned at the other male's embrace and struggled to get away though deep inside he was glad and even kind of happy to see the Dib. "Let me go! Earthstink!" He yelled but his voice didn't carry a sour or angry tone anymore. 

"Shut up, Space-boy." Dib released the two and chuckled. Mostly because Zim was making a scene out of it. Like always. 

"I missed you too." Rakel said to Dib. 

"What were you guys doing?" 

"I was busy with packing and cleaning the apartment. The building is closing soon and we have to move out." She replied as she took her stuff and got ready to head towards her classroom. 

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