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[Nicole is sleeping in her bed. Suddenly, an eerie shadow comes, and it turns out to be Anais. Nicole is shocked when she sees her]

Nicole: Aah!

Anais: [Holds up poster] It's Daisy the Donkey on Ice Day! You promised to take me, and we're late!

Nicole: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. Mommy worked really late last night.

[Anais holds a tape recorder and plays it]

Nicole: [On recording] What sort of a horrible mother wouldn't take her daughter to her favorite show?

Nicole: Oh, Anais, I know what I said, but--

[Anais replays the part that says "horrible mother" on repeat]

Nicole: [Sighs] Okay.

[In the living room. Richard opens up a box]

Richard: "ElectroFat. Gets you fit while you watch TV." [Puts the ElectroFat electrodes on his body] So the last electrode goes... Where? Oh, there!

[Nicole and Anais go down the stairs, with Anais dragging Nicole while jumping and singing]

Anais: Daisy the Donkey, Daisy!

Richard: Oh, hi, Honey!

Nicole: [Yawns] Hi. Where's Y/n, Gumball and Darwin?

Richard: In the backyard, playing their made-up game.

Nicole: Keep an eye on them. Every time they play that game, it's a mess.

[Flashback to when they played the game, the house was a mess]

Y/n, Gumball and Darwin: Dodge or Dare!

[Flashback ends]

Richard: Relax, honey. I'm here. What could go wrong?

[Flashback to when Richard played with them, the house was on fire]

Y/n, Gumball, Darwin and Richard: Dodge or Dare! Dodge or Dare! Dodge or Dare!

[Flashback ends]

Nicole: [Nervously] Yeah... What could go wrong?

Anais: [Frustrated] Daisy the Donkey!
[Nicole is pulled out of the house by Anais]

Richard: Now come on, ElectroFat. Make me beautiful! [Turns on the switch and he screams]

[The backyard. Y/n. Gumball and Darwin are playing Dodge or Dare. Richard's screaming is heard]

Darwin: What was that?

Y/n: Who cares. It's finally time to play...

Y/n, Darwin and Gumball: Dodge or Dare! Roll the dice, take a card! [Takes out a card]

Darwin: Dare! You have to throw the ball onto the moon using only objects from the trash!

Gumball: [Stretches his arms] Ha! Just watch and learn. [Quickly builds a Rube-Goldberg machine] Yes! [Blows out a marble]

[The marble moves through the machine and eventually makes a bowling ball fly to Gumball's direction]

Gumball: Aaaahh! [Covers his face with his hands as the ball is about to hit his face]

[The ball's movement is suddenly paused]

Y/n: [Smirking] Hey, the card says "No hands".

[Gumball sighs and hardens his face to receive the ball. The ball suddenly moves again and bounces back from his face. Cut to the Robinsons' backyard. The Robinsons are seated on lawn lounge chairs]

The World Is Amazing! (The Amazing World Of Gumball x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now