Chapter 10 (S2)

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[The episode starts at the Ripley 2000 store, with a line of people including Quattro, Sarah, Ocho, Pantsbully, Mr. Poop, Paperball, and Carrie, all looking impatient. Y/n, Gumball, and Darwin are at the front of the line, trying to pay for their DVD, but an invisible wall prevents Gumball from handing over the DVD to Larry]

Larry: [Sighs] What is wrong with you this time?

Gumball: [Struggles to give Larry the DVD] This movie is so sucky that my body refuses to rent it.

Larry: Then don't rent it and get outta here.

Y/n: [sighs] Sorry Larry, we can't. We made a promise to our sister.

Darwin: [Sighs and puts his hands out] Give me that.

[Gumball hands over the DVD to Darwin who then takes a deep breath and runs towards Larry, but an invisible force field repels him to the floor]

Darwin: You're right, this film is so bad that every atom in my body refuses to pay to see it.

Carrie: [Grabs DVD from Darwin] Oh come on, it can't be that bad. [Gasps loudly] A Pony's Tail?! Wow. Okay, I'm gonna rent this for you or we're gonna be here all day. Maybe if I hide it between my good films, my mind will be tricked.

Y/n, Gumball, and Darwin: Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!

[Carrie tries to push her DVDs through the invisible force field]

Carrie: [While pushing the DVD through] It's not working!

Gumball: Come on, Carrie!

[Carrie manages to push the DVD through and causes a big blue flash of light. Afterwards, the four walk out of the store]

Carrie: You know, there are easier ways to hurt your eyes. [Hands the pony DVD to Gumball] You could pour salt in them while you stare at the sun, for example.

Gumball: I'm sorry, Carrie. It's just I promised Anais we'd do something she wanted today.

Darwin: We didn't realize how unbearable it'd be, and we haven't even watched it yet.

Y/n: Come on, guys, we're already late.

[Y/n, Gumball, and Darwin run off-screen]

[Y/n, Gumball and Darwin stop at a pedestrian crossing]

Gumball: Oh, man. We're gonna get the face when we get home.

Darwin: What? This one? [Darwin starts frowning]

Y/n: Nope, that's called the silent fury. What we're going to get is "I know you let me down".

Darwin: Oh. [Darwin starts frowning differently]

Y/n: [snaps his fingers at Darwin] That's it.

Gumball: But don't forget the slow head shake.

[Darwin starts shaking his head slowly]

Darwin: I can handle that, as long as we don't get the "you mean nothing to me" back turn.

[The traffic light changes to the green walking man, so Y/n, Gumball and Darwin start running across the road]

Gumball: Don't worry, as long as nothing gets in our way, we'll be fine.

Y/n: And plus, worst comes to worst, we'll use a tunnel.

Darwin: But why didn't we just start with that?

Y/n: The tunnels have been shifting recently, trying to keep me in there. Not sure I wanna use it too much.

Gumball: How much is too much?

Y/n: I'll only use it 10 times a day now.

Darwin; I see the problem forming now.

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