Chapter 9 (S2)

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(A/n: From this point on, I will not do every episode. Only the ones I think will help the story I want to tell flow better. I know that'll be disappointing for some people, but I didn't feel like there would be any point in writing the episodes where Y/n doesn't do much or fit in.)

[The episode starts with Sussie and Darwin sitting next to each other in the school bus]

Sussie: Look, sun! Look, house! Look, roof! Look, ball! Look, door! Look, clown! Look, bird! You're not looking! [Points to a dog] BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD!

Darwin: That's a d—... [Sighs]

Sussie: [Smacks Darwin with her arm] WAIT! [Cut to traffic light] RED! RED! RED! RED! RED! RED! RED! [Cut to Sussie] GREEN! [Laughs softly]

[Darwin whimpers and squeezes through the side of the seat, Gumball is playing Street Fighter on a device looking similar to the Game Boy Advance and Y/n is reading beside him]

Darwin: Dude, I need you to grab the emergency hammer.m

Y/n: I'm not breaking the window.

Darwin: No, I need you to knock me out.

Y/n: What-? How about you just ask Sussie to calm down a little?

Darwin: [Whimpers again] I can't...

Gumball: What the... [Pauses video game] You're embarrassed, aren't you?

Darwin: Just use the hammer...

Gumball: [Laughs] Darwin Watterson, the fish who grew legs at the expense of his guts!

Darwin: [Annoyed] Shut up!

Sussie: HEY, DARWIN!

[Darwin squeezes his head back out]


Y/n: [Sticks head on top of Sussie and Darwin's seat] Excuse me, Sussie, but can you be a little quieter, please?

Sussie: Certainly, young Y/n, I'd be more than happy to oblige!

Y/n: Thanks.

Darwin: [Motions taking hat off]

Gumball: What's that?

Darwin: That was me, taking my hat off to Y/n.

Sussie: [Whispers] Hats!


Darwin: I still don't understand, Y/n, how you can be so direct with people?

Y/n: It's just when you need a break, and you just say what's on your mind.

Darwin: [Grabs Y/n's face and whispers] Teach me...

[Jamie cuts in line. Darwin stares at her]

Jamie: What?!

Darwin: Uh-uh-...

Jamie: Yeah, that's what I thought.

[Darwin mumbles to himself towards Jamie in an angry manner and then nods]

Darwin: That whole argument I just won only went on in my head, didn't it?

Y/n: Well... nothing happened in reality, so I'm gonna have to say yes.

[Darwin starts hitting his face]

Y/n: [Sighs] Now what is it?

Darwin: That's me beating myself for being such a door mat.

Y/n: Darwin, calm down man. Listen, just watch me, okay?

[The bell rings.]

[Y/n is walking past Tobias and Idaho in the schoolyard.]

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