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(A/n: Sorry for the late update, guys. Had a ton of after school stuff, work, and life stuff to deal with. Now that it's cooled down, I can work on this again.)

[Scene starts at the Wattersons' dining table where Richard is carrying a checklist]

Richard: Bowls -- check! Spoons -- check! Cereal -- check! Oh.

[Richard attempts to open the cereal box.]

Richard: Ugh! So much for easy opening! It looks so simple on TV!

[Gumball, Y/n, and Darwin walk in, looking unhappy.]

Gumball: Oh, man, I really don't want to go to school today.

Darwin: Me neither.

Y/n: Definitely not today.

Gumball: Let's not go!

Y/n: Screw it, I'm in!

Darwin: You can do that?

Gumball: Sure! Hey, Dad?

Richard: [Still trying to open the box] Yes?

Gumball: [Takes the box from Richard, opens it, and returns it] We really don't want to go to school today.

Richard: Why? Are you sick?

Gumball: Nah. We're not just up for it.

Darwin: Yeah! School is boring!

Richard: But you have to go to school. You're kids! It's what you do!

Gumball and Darwin: Aw!

Y/n: [Shrugs] Not afraid of him. He can't catch me. He can't physically stop me.

[Doorbell rings.]

Richard: Ooh! Mailman! Whoo-hoo!
[Richard runs off]

Gumball: I wish we were grown-ups, like Dad. Then we'd never have to go to school and nobody would tell us what to do. We could drive trucks, stay up all night, vote.

Gumball and Darwin: [Gasp] Vote...

Y/n: While it is important, that's one I don't want to think about. All of the candidates are trash.

Darwin: Isn't that a bit unfair?

Y/n: Darwin, little brother....it's not unfair when your dissing everyone equally.

[Richard comes back with a supplement box.]

Richard: Oh! Finally!

Gumball: What's that?

Richard: [Gasps, then starts to sweat and look anxious while hiding the box behind him.] Why? According to the Fifth Amendment, I don't have to answer that without my lawyer present!

Gumball: Right. Anyway, about school...

Richard: [Places the supplement box on the table.] Oh, yeah. You're kids, so you do what mom tells me to tell you to do.

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