Sneak Peek At Next Cartoon Story

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(A/n: Will be deleted after the story comes out!)

K.O. looks overs his Pow Card collection with the frame panning on each card as he talks about them before showing the full binder, "Hmm, Mr. Gar's is level 11, so he's way past Sparko's level 3. But Sparko has that really cool power move, so--"

"Ready to go, K.O.?" Carol closes the door.

K.O. lowers his binder. "Oh. Yeah, Mom."

Carol turns around, "I know coming to work with your mom isn't too cool for a boy your age, but your babysitter's fighting the Flu this week."

"Again?" K.O holds up the Flu's and Punching Judy's Pow Card, "The Flu doesn't stand a chance against Judy. She's, like, the toughest fighter in the neighborhood."

K.O. puts the pow cards down. The frame pans to Punching Judy beating up the Flu, sending it flying with an uppercut landing on the car's windshield, "See? Yuck."

The Flu is wiped off from the windshield. Punching Judy runs after it, "Sorry, Carol!"

"Go get 'em, hon! We better get out of here before things turn really ugly." Carol puts on her seatbelt, "Destination, K.O.?"

Carol turns on the ignition and then the tailpipe. K.O. shouts, "Lakewood. Plaza. Turbo!"Carol drives the car.



K.O. shakes his head, "Oh, can't get distracted. *opens Pow Card binder* Got to brush up on my facts in case I meet some real heroes."

"If you train hard enough K.O.," Carol adjusts the mirror, "--you can be one, too."

K.O. looks up, "Huh? You're just saying that 'cause you're my mom.0"

Carol chuckled, "Ha! Maybe. But remember this, K.O. You don't start out as a hero. You become one."

K.O. shocked, "I can become a hero?"

K.O. imagines imagines his potential future self in a stylized scene. "But where do I begin? Will I wake up as a hero one day? Do I get a cool transformation sequence? Or maybe I just need a change of clothes. (The scene returns back to K.O.) Or maybe I need... *looks at Mr. Gar's card* less clothes?"

[Lakewood Plaza Turbo]

"Everyone in that binder of yours came from humble beginnings, K.O." Carol parks the car and she and K.O. gets out. She looks over to Gar's Hero Supply & Bodega. "I mean, even Mr. Gar had to work hard to become the hero he is today. *turns to K.O.*"

"I don't know about that."
K.O holds up Mr. Gar's card, "I bet he was always level 11."

"Mm, not when I first met him." Carol walks to the right as K.O. follows.

"You know Mr. Gar?"

They walk pass by two little dinosaur creatures.

"Of course. He runs the whole plaza. It's kind of hard to miss him." Carol stops and looks up, "Look, there he is now."

K.O. looks at the sky and gasps; a flying car drops down from the sky. Carol and K.O. protect themselves. A small dinosaur creature escapes from under the car. Mr. Gar kicks the roof off and front-flips. K.O. glances at him as the light reflects on Mr. Gar.

[Text: Mr. Gar / Lv 11 / Plaza Manager / Strengths: Giving Orders / Weaknesses: ???]

Mr. Gar shouts* Employees!

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