1 ego

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My heart beat fast as I continued running and stumbling over rocks. It was dark and I could barely see which didn't matter anyway because the scenes from the day before were circling through my mind on a constant replay, blocking my vision from the branches in front of me.

The wind whistling beside my ears blended in with the sounds of agonized screams that I had left behind in a haze only hours prior.

"Come back with me and I'll make it worth your while." he said as I shook my head and continued to crawl backwards, blood smeared across my face.

"I will never kneel." I spat, watching a grin spread across his face.

"One things for damn sure, you will kneel before me one day sweetheart, I can fucking guarantee it."

I couldn't remember if I had stopped running since I left the camp. It didn't matter, I needed to keep going if I was going to make it to Alexandria before dawn. I sent a silent prayer out hoping that my uncle would give me refuge in his sanctuary tonight. I hadn't seen him since the start of the end of the world when my dad and him split up to save their families, I didn't even know if Rick knew that my dad had been missing since seven months ago.

I stopped and slumped down against a tree attempting to catch my breath. I hadn't been followed, no one saw me leave and I couldn't hear any footfalls behind me. However I couldn't get the whistling out of my ears. I was sure that the sound of whistles from hundreds of mouths all at once would follow me to my grave.

I thought back to the events that took place hours ago and closed my eyes for a brief moment.

"So you have absolutely no idea who we are?" the man with a receding hairline and beady eyes asked.

"No." I lied, watching the bloody bat drag across the ground as the silent man watched me.

"I don't like fucking liars-" he started, bringing his fist up to my face making me wince.

"Wait." the leader barked, as he took steps toward me, a shit eating grin growing on his face "She gave us her answer, now it's only right to let her go." He moved inches away from my face and his breath met mine in the cold. "You sure you aren't with anyone else?"

I shook my head again, "I stick to myself."

"Alright, well it's a fucking shame I can't spend more time with you, but I have a feeling we'll meet again soon." he smiled, tucking my blonde curls behind my ear. "Give her a gun, Simon."

A gun was handed to me and I was let go as he added, "For your protection sweetheart, there are some scary people out there, people that wouldn't pass you up."

I ran back to my group as fast as I could, making sure I wasn't followed. I thought I was safe.

I had begged Charlie, our appointed leader, not to listen to the Saviors weeks ago and convinced him that we were stronger. How wrong I was, and now because of my ego my group was dead. Most likely all forty of them lay in the grass where I used to practice shooting.

Tears refused to fall from my eyes as there were no more to shed. I stood back up slowly and continued on my way. Thirty minutes passed and I arrived at the large gate. I didn't know whether to yell or knock on the metal so instead I remained silent as the man at the top of the watch tower spotted me and walked down to open the gates.

"I need to speak with Rick." I said as he cautiously let me in, gun pointed at my chest.

"And why should I let you?" he replied, glancing over my blood soaked once white tank and navy cargo pants.

"I'm his neice, Nyra. It's about my father and group. It's important." I said, taking notice of my purple fingers, frozen from the cold, with dried blood flaking off of the nails.

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