8 sacred

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We arrived about thirty minutes later at a one story cinderblock building that had five saviors standing outside of the tall metal gate that wrapped around the whole building. As soon as I stepped out of the car I could hear walkers, hell I could smell them. Negan approached the men, whistling happily and gripping Lucille tightly.

The five men knelt down and then rose to let him in. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time as he turned to me and winked, making sure I noticed his power. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, I did notice the dominance he had, and a feeling that was similar to jealousy bubbled up inside me before I pushed it back down.

One of the men walked by Negan's side as we entered the brightly lit building and headed straight to the back where a large metal door stood. Negan and the man came to an understanding and he sent him to the door as we watched him quickly unlock it and then shut the door behind him.

"Before we start anything, I need your knife." he said, extending his hand out to me.

I truly wasn't shocked that he knew I was carrying one, it wasn't the fact that I was starting to realize how he was always one step ahead, it was the way I had been stupid to think he couldn't see the outline in my pocket. I reluctantly slid it out and placed it in his waiting palm.

"Good girl." he grinned, putting the object in his own back pocket and eyeing me happily, "I do believe we are making progress."

"Can I have it back soon?" I asked, meeting his eye and pleading that the only thing I had left of my dad wouldn't be gone forever.

"Not a fucking chance sweetheart." he said as the man appeared from the door, carrying a black metal box.

Negan slapped the guy on the back and took the box from him, using Lucille to point me to the back door that led outside. I hesitantly stepped forward and opened the door, drawing a sharp breath once I saw what was outside. A tall fence surrounded dozens of walkers, separating them from the two of us. "Do you just keep the here?" I asked, as they pushed themselves up against the metal.

Negan nodded, "Yep, good practice."

I turned away from the growling creatures and looked at the ground, picking at my nails.

"Fuck's your problem?" he asked, opening the box and revealing a handgun and a long knife.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said, angry at myself for showing some sort of weakness. There was a difference between killing walkers and keeping them locked up and tortured though. I knew they weren't there but the thought of the people that they once were deeply haunted me.

"Baby, they're not people." he said, looking down at me, a small grin pulling at his lips.

"I know they're not." I said with a glare as he extended the knife out to me.

"Alright, show me what shit you can do." he said as I took the knife from him and walked over to the gate, waiting for it to be opened. My heart pounded loudly and I took calm breathes to pull myself together, this was just like going out on a supply run and defending myself along the way, no different.

The gate creaked open and I stepped inside, holding the knife slightly in front of me with a firm grip. The first walker slowly approached me with outstretched arms, a guttural growl coming from the back of her throat. I met it in two steps and swung my knife quickly, a deep slash running across her throat, making her fall.

I turned as something brushed my shoulder and forcefully jammed the dagger in between the creatures eyes. I killed two more before turning and seeing the final walker, stumbling towards me with small steps. I lowered the knife watching as the girl who couldn't have been older than four, make her way to me. Her mouth was wide open and her dress was covered in a bright floral pattern that had been almost destroyed by torn fabric and dark stains. I didn't even realize how close she had gotten to me until a gunshot rang out and she dropped on my feet.

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