7 syrup

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"That's what I like to fucking hear!" Sam clapped as she took another sip from the almost empty bottle.

"I need to get him to trust me though. As much as I hate him he's smart." I thought out loud, taking the last long sip of vodka.

"How?" Jeremy hiccupped.

"I don't know just yet." I admitted, furrowing my brows and trying to think of a plan as my stomach growled loudly, "Damn, do you have any food? Skipping dinner and then drinking this was not my finest idea." I slurred, setting down the empty bottle with a thump.

Sam nodded and stood up, searching through a drawer and pulling out a pack of raisins and a bar.

"Thank you, you're wonderful." I said, opening the package and finishing off the bar in a few bites, the raisin container empty moments after. "What time is it?"

"A little past one." Jeremy said, glancing down at the watch around his wrist.

"I should go. I don't know what I'm doing in the morning and I guess I should get some sleep." I started, standing up and balancing myself against the wall.

Sam grinned and asked, "You sure you can find your way back in that condition?"

"It's three doors down, I'll be fine." I grinned, rolling my eyes and giving them a small wave, "I'll see you guys soon."

The both of them nodded and watched as I exited the room, shutting the door behind me. I began to walk down the hall, quickly realizing I was going in the wrong direction. "Shit, Nyra." I mumbled turning and walking back the other way, I kept my head down and jumped slightly when a deep laugh came from in front of me.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. You exploring or some shit?" Negan grinned, making his way up to me in a few long strides.

"No- yes." I said, avoiding his eyes and praying that I wasn't spinning as much as my vision was, "I got lost."

"Jesus christ." Negan grinned, "You're drunk." he moved towards me and I backed up into the wall as he towered over me, "You've been here what, seven hours and you're already fucking plastered."

"No." I said, shaking my head and pulling at the fraying ends of my sweater.

His smile widened and he raised his eyebrows waiting for an explanation, "Am I that bad of a liar?" I hiccupped, covering my mouth quickly.

"Yes, that and the fact that you smell like fucking Smirnoff." he said, sucking on his teeth and leaning back a tiny bit, "Is that why you weren't at dinner?"

"No, I just wasn't hungry." I replied, rubbing my eyes and looking back up to meet his.

"You sure were thirsty though, huh blondie." he grinned, tapping his fingertips along my arm down to my wrist.

I scoffed and ignored his comment, playing with my hair instead, "I need to go to bed. I'm tired."

He looked down at me for a minute longer and then nodded, "Breakfast's at seven and then you're coming with me. Try to sober up though for shit's sake."

He turned and began walking down the hallway before adding, "And don't you fucking dare ignore an invitation of mine again, that's strike one."

I didn't need to see his face to know that his obnoxious grin was there, instead I reached for my door and stuck my middle finger out to his back as he continued down the long hallway, "Strike two." he yelled making me put my hand back down against my side quickly. I didn't have time to think about his scary ability to read me before I stumbled into the dark room and slammed the door, throwing myself on the bed.

Devil Like Me (negan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang