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      "𝑾𝑬 𝑯𝑨𝑽𝑬 𝑨 𝑵𝑬𝑾 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑭𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑻𝑼𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑻. Go ahead and introduce yourself, Beom-Seok." The teacher says.

"Well, hello, my name is Beom-seok" he introduces himself quietly. Everyone starts to clap their hands and woo him with welcome. "Settle down, treat beom-seok well." Teacher proposes.

The bell rings and everyone starts having their free time, using the bathroom, getting a drink or just chilling around.

Beom-Seok is sitting very quietly having no one to talk to so he continues with his schoolwork. Hye-Jin is watching her phone with her airpods in, Soo-ho is taking a nap at the back of the class and lastly, Si-eun is nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, a group of students starts to form around Beom-seok. "Hey!" The group greets him. He stays quiet. "Oh, Beom-seok?" One of them questions his name.

"Yes," he mutters. "Where are you from?" Young-bin asks sitting on Si-eun's desk. "I transferred from Moonkang high school." He confirms.

The boys start to make noises sounding very impressed. "He's a rich kid." One of them laughs. "Do you know Ji-won at Moonkang? we're best friends." Young-bin wants to know.

There's a moment of nothing. " No, not really." He responds. "You don't know Ji-won?, don't you know Han Ji-won?" He asks again in disbelief.

"I think I've heard of the name, but I'm not sure," Beom-seok states. Young-bin looks at his friend sitting behind him and his friend is signaling he's lying.

Things get silent and a little intense until Young-bin hears an irritating voice. "Move." He turns around to see Si-eun. "That's my seat." He tells him.

"I don't want to." Young-bin taunts. S-eun looks done at his desk and grabs his pen. "I said move." He demands. Young-bins has enough of the bullshit. "You must be insane, damn it."

He stands up while his friends stand behind him. The classroom is completely earning their attention towards the two. Si-eun clicks his pen. Before anything happens, they hear a voice coming from the back of the classroom.

"Why are you all so noisy, these days, you woke me up from my nap." They all turn to Soo-ho slightly awake. "Can I sleep in peace for once?" He asks them. "Please?" He makes.

young-bin takes a deep breath and tells Si-eun not to push him. They all walk away continuing with their day. Si-eun finally takes a seat at his desk next to Beom-seok.

He looks at Si-eun to see dark bruised hand prints on his neck. He turns back minding his own business.


Cling!, the glass cups make as they all make a toast. "Come on Young-bin, have a drink." One encourages him. "He's right, why aren't you drinking?" The girl beside him questioned.

"I have mock exams next week, you idiots." He tells them off. He sighs and the girls laugh. "Study hard and get into a big company." His friend says. Everyone starts to laugh.

He doesn't find it funny though. "Hey Young-bin?, isn't Si-eun acting crazy these days?" His close friend asks. "It's like he has no fears! what was he going to do with that pen." He continues.

"Do you remember him glaring at us last week, he looked insane. I almost killed him." The other guy says. "What should we do with Si-eun?" Young-bin asks.

"Nothing works on him, nothing seems to crush that bastard's soul." They all sit in silence for a minute. "What about exams?" One of them suggests. " he's obsessed with his grades, wouldn't it crush his soul if we messed with it?" He carries on.

Young-bin thinks about it for a little. But he gets interrupted when he sees a familiar face. "Hey. You're here." He calls out. The mysterious tall man throws a plastic bag with substances in it toward Young-bin.

"It's from Cheonan, that's 100,000 won extra for the distance." He verifies. young-bin empties the bag to see lots of boxes filled with fentanyl.

Everybody starts to hype up by the amusement. Everyone starts to pay up. "Here, count it," Young-bin tells him. "I trust you." He says as he snatches the money out of his hands.

He walks away until Young-bin tells him to wait. "I have a question for you." He says. Young-bin leaves as he follows the man. The group closes the entrance door and begins to have fun.

"Hey. Auntie came over recently, she said you haven't come home yet." Young-bin says as he tried to make a convo. " get to the point." He responds.

"The thing is, what happens...if you put fentanyl on your skin -like on your neck?" He questions. "It's not as potent, but it's a painkiller so your brain will get dizzy. You get clumsy and sleepy."

"Vomiting is a common side effect." He continued. "Why do you ask?" He looks at him. "Nothing, I was just curious," Young-bin replies.



"Know your limits." He advised him.

"What are you talking about?." Young-bin laughs. He doesn't get a response seeing him walk away. "Bye," he tries again. No response.

"Damn, bastard." He curses. He takes out his phone and dials a number. " hey Ji-won, how've you been?" He smiles.


The day is finally over. I'm exhausted. This bus ride is kind of bumpy. I feel a buzz coming from my phone. I pick up my phone a see that it's my dad that sent me a "How are things." Text message.

Fine, I dryly responded. It's dark out and I'm walking by myself, great. It's okay though I enjoy it sometimes. Two people that look a little older walk up to me. What the hell do they want?

"Are you.." he points at me as his sentence drifts off. "We normally have this stuff delivered, don't expect any direct deals from now on." He says as he pulls out a box of fentanyl trying to give it to me.

What kind of dumbass is this. "Hey, the person buying is a girl." A deep voice says behind him. He's pretty tall and big. He then quickly shoved it back into his pockets.

"Damn, I could've been in big trouble." The dumb dealer mutters. "Get out of my way," I tell them. They laugh a little. "What?"

"I said get out of my way." What's so hard about moving out they are for someone damn it. "You are blocking my way." I continue

"You're getting on my nerves, bastard, do you have a death wish?" I just glare at him.

"What the hell are you staring at huh?" He raises his voice a little. I pull out one of my pens in my pocket.

I click once, then again with a lot of pressure and anger. " hey quit staring." He tries to tell me. "Stop staring before I bust your face, bastard." He yells.

The big guy walks towards him and gives him a big push out of my way. "What was that for?" He complains.

"Leave." He tells me

It didn't need to take that long just for me to keep walking. So stupid. The two stare at me as I walk away from them.

"Know who you are messing with, he was about to stab you." I hear behind me. I take a deep breath, put in my AirPods, and chill while I walk back home.

Sorry for the long update guys, I been busy surprisingly and didn't have time to write 😣 this chapter doesn't have much tea but it's something for now.
Stay tuned guys, bare with me 😭
- britney

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