3- "Running is not an option." -Glenn Rhee

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▌│█║▌║▌║ Author's Note ║▌║▌║█│▌

Dear Walkers, 

I recently opened up a thread for a new cover to this book. I got few requests, but they were all great! To the right is a cover created by Jayeer. Would everyone do me a favor and follow her? She has amazing cover making talents. If anyone makes me a cover that I really like, I'll either use it, put it as side art, and dedicate a chapter to you. I just wanted to let everyone know who's amazing cover that is. ^_^

Happy Zombie Reading!


▌│█║▌║▌║ Three ║▌║▌║█│▌

I pant uncontrollably as I walk with uneasy steps, Rick's hat clutched in one hand and my pant leg in the other as I hoist my leg forward each step I take. 

As I get deeper into the forest, I wonder if the group left me so far behind no matter which direction I take I will never be able to catch up to them in the condition I'm currently in. I mutter a swear word as I take a seat on a collapsed tree and set the hat beside me. I look to my left and see the sun slowly descending downward, half of it already taken away by the hilltops. I can't waste daylight. I argue with myself and moan as I push back up to my feet, placing the hat on my head and pulling my knife from my pocket. 

I'll find the highway any minute now. I encourage myself mentally, the voice in my head sounding even duller than I am. As I continue to walk my slow pace, I notice that the amount of trees are disappearing one by one until there's none left and my eyes meet a large, golden field in front of me. Normally, I would be happy with my discovery.

But the field is full of walkers. Vicious, hungry, mean, walkers. 

My eyes widen in shock and remove my feet out from under me, falling stomach-first to the grassy ground. I grunt and look to my ankle, which the bandage wrap slipped from a while back. I hear the sounds of walking in the field, plants crushing under the feet of the flesh-eaters. I try to focus my eyes through the tall plants and see if a walker is close, but no such luck. I look around for a better spot to take cover in, catching a glimpse of waving hands.

I squint, recognising the faces of Rick and Lori, Carl sitting in between them and their frantic signals. I raise an eyebrow, looking around for Merle. I push myself up half way with my arms and see no infected looking my way, clambering over to the family, my ankle dragging behind. 

I sit up against the tree and put a hand over my heart. It's beating a mile a minute.

"Where's Merle?" I whisper, looking to Rick. He points the woods behind the field. There sits Merle, his gun on his knee as he musters up the courage to take down all of these things. "He's going to die." I mutter, clutching my ankle painfully.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see." Rick replies. After a few seconds of silence and waiting, Carl gasps.

"Dad, your hat!" He whispers excitedly. "Remember? You left it at the shack!"

My hand shoots to my head where Rick's hat sits and I pull it off, handing it to him.

"I found it. A walker was holding it." I explain as he inspects it carefully, trying to rub the blood stains off of the brim. He smiles smugly, placing it on his head.

"Thanks, Cam-" Rapid gunshots interrupt Rick, several snarls and growls following not long afterward. Lori pulls Carl to her instinctively and my breathing hitches. I lean over, watching in horror as Merle stands in the middle of the field, spinning around while firing his gun, knocking down the walkers surrounding him. 

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