8- "There is no hope. There never was." -Dr. Edwin Jenner

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▌│█║▌║▌║Author's Note║▌║▌║█│▌

Dear Walkers,

I just wanted to let you know that I DID change the ending to the last chapter after publishing. At first, she got bit and I thought about it and I was like, "um, nahhhh...". So yes, I did change it from Cameron getting bit to get clawed.

I also wanted to let you know that there is definitely going to be LOOOONG breaks in between chapters (if you couldn't tell already). I have school and other things to do. Trust me, if I had the choice, I would be on Wattpad, writing 24/7, but unfortunately I don't have the choice. :C BUT, there is a week long spring break starting Friday, so hopefully I'll have the chance to write and publish AT LEAST 2 chapters.

Thank you so much to those of you who bear with me through the sometimes month long spaces in between updating. I love my readers all so much!

Happy Zombie Reading!


PS. the cover to the right was made by the wonderful jangelica! go check her out! :))

▌│█║▌║▌║Eight ║▌║▌║█│▌

"Cameron," I try my hardest to see past my blurred vision, "Cameron, wake up."

My eyes focus on Erik who's standing over me, gently shaken my tense body. I gasp as I look at my already badly sprained ankle being wrapped with fresh gauze by Dale. Blood automatically starts to soak through the bandage and I whimper as Dale presses to secure it.

Erik brushes hair out of my eyes, "that is not your lucky foot, is it?"

I laugh nervously as I watch the blood seep through the white cotton and panic suddenly takes over my mind.

"Am I infected?" I gasp, hypervenilating, "did it bite?"

I pull my self upright and examine the bandage. Erik pulls my hand away and shushes me.

"It only clawed," he assured me, "it broke the skin but Dale and I believe the infection won't spread that way. It didn't look as dirty as the rest."

I shake my head and breathe slowly, trying to calm myself. What if the infection was in it's nails? What if it's already in my blood stream?

I inhale sharply when I hear scuttling behind me, looking back. My eyes land on Rick, Daryl, and Carol, all carrying baskets of supplies.

"Did you get more wrap?" Dale asks the group. Carol rushes forward and hands Dale another package of gauze. He unwraps it and rolls it over the soaked gauze for cusion. Carol hands him an ace bandage, which he then rolls over the top of that.

"That should be good for the ride back," he tells me, "let me know if you feel light headed or dizzy."

I nod and Erik helps me off of the cold tile floor. I take in my surroundings. Erik must've gotten the walker off of me and taken me to the store they were getting supplies at, because I'm not in the street anymore. I'm in the small room between the outside doors and the inside doors. The claw machines are dark, several of them tipped over, and there are smashed, rotten  pumpkins on the ground, since it was Halloween season before everything went to shit.

"Do you want to get anything?" Rick asks me, giving me a basket.

"Sure," I agree, "I'll be back in a minute."

I make my way over to the craft and office aisle, grabbing a couple journals. I decided I might try to journal what was happening every once in a while. I also grab a bag of sweet and salty kettle corn. As childish as that sounds, it's my comfort food, and all I need is comforting right now.

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