5- "The line is pretty clear: zero tolerance for Walkers." -Daryl Dixon

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▌│█║▌║▌║ Author's Note ║▌║▌║█│▌

Dear Walkers,

To the right is, yet again, another B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L cover. This one is made my live4music. I asked if she would make some, because her covers on her books look AMAZING! She actually made 4, and all of them were pretty freaking awesome, but this one is probably my favorite. It would be awesome if you could maybe follow live4music? She has amazing stories, and my favorite so far is Terrarium. Maybe vote and comment on her stories too? 

Anyways, I really am so thankful for my readers, it really means a lot, even though there aren't that many of you. It means a whole lot when you guys and girls vote for my chapters and comment! Thank you all so much! <3 ^-^

Happy Zombie Reading!


▌│█║▌║▌║ Five ║▌║▌║█│▌

Merle claps his hand over Carl's mouth and holds him back as he struggles to jump to his mother's body, which lays in a blood-dampened moss patch. I continue to stare in horror, my body and brain slowing down and refusing to move.

I happen to find three of the very few survivors on the planet, and one of them has the nerve to leave the group, which she was lucky to have, and kill herself? Normally I would be balling my eyes out, mourning over the death of Lori, but strangely, I feel no grief, not even a pang. 

All I feel is hatred towards her. I hope she realized that before she took her own life, she was leaving behind the most sweet little boy and the most loving man.

She threw all of it away.

My body springs back to life and I turn around towards Carl, shielding his eyes. He doesn't need to see his mother like this. To my left I hear the rustling of bushes and steps of feet. I ignore the sounds, knowing it's just Rick coming towards the source of his son's scream. He pushing through the wall of leaves and stops in his tracks in front of me. 

No words are spoken as Rick's eyes dart around the space and fall on Lori's lifeless body. I scoot so I'm directly in front of Carl and uncover his eyes. Merle continues to hold Carl's shoulders firm as I wipe away his fresh tears, not allowing him to see his father crying over Lori. Carl slowly stops his struggling and Merle releases him and he rushes to my arms, sobbing into my shoulder.

From the corner of my eye I see Rick with his wife in his arms, his tears falling on her blood-splattered face. This causes me pain for Rick and Carl, but not for Lori. All I can think of now is how foolish she was.

Rick struggles to end his sobs and he catches his breath. He keeps his face down, looking at his dead love as his tears dry from the dim sun.

The forest becomes silent as Rick cries all of his available tears and Carl rests in my lap. Merle just stared at the ground in silence as all of this just happened, and he still stands in the same spot, careful not to disturb the peace that we get only so often.

Carl takes his face out of my curly brown hair and looks at his mother and sniffles, then gasps. I look at him in confusion, same with Rick and Merle, and he points his small finger at Lori, looking at me. No words escape his mouth and he tries desperately to get them out.

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