4- "The world ended. Didn't you get the memo?" -Amy

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▌│█║▌║▌║ Author's Note ║▌║▌║█│▌

 Dear Walkers,

To the right is another amazing cover. This one is by mineralize and everyone should follow her! I really like this cover, especially the font! Anyways, if anyone would like to make me a cover, inbox me the link to your cover making thread or whatever, or you can just make it and inbox me it. If I really like it, I will put it as side art or use it as a cover, and of course I would dedicate a chapter to you! Thanks so much everybody!

Happy Zombie Reading!


▌│█║▌║▌║ Four ║▌║▌║█│▌

Before me lays the most sickening walker I have seen yet. Half of it's torso is torn off, bloody body parts trailing behind as it pulls itself forward with it's bloody arms. The flesh on it's face appears to be hollow, it's jawline and cheek bones poking out unhealthily. It's tongue hangs out of it's mouth, barely attached to the inside of it's mouth. I gag uncontrollably as I stare at the blood trail the intestines leave as it crawls around helplessly. 

Rick taps me on the shoulder and points to the back of the storage, where cans of vegetables and fruits lay. I raise my knife as the walker inches toward me. I squeeze my eyes shut as I swing my knife onto the skull of the things, hearing it moan one last time before falling onto it's side. I take the knife out and clean the blade off with the seam of my shirt. I wipe the blood droplets off of my face with my hand and hoist myself up into the truck. Rick motions for Lori, Merle, and Carl to come as I gather the cans of food, reading the expiration dates on each label. 

"No peaches," Rick calls out. 

"Why?" I ask, tossing him cans of green beans. 

Lori says, "Carl's allergic." I nod and drop the several cans of peaches I had in hand and exchange them for canned pears. After tossing over ten cans to Rick, he places them in a plastic bag he found on the ground and I hop out, grabbing the handles. 

"That'll be enough for a couple days," he says and we walk further down the highway, weaving through the abandoned vehicles.

"How long are we going to be on the road?" I ask, adjusting the heavy bag of cans. 

"Until we reach apartment buildings or something, someplace we can stay safe for the time being."

"Rick, I find it hard to believe we'll ever stay safe anymore." I say, looking at the blood-splattered ground. 

"No complaining now, Missy. You already got us in enough trouble with your sprained ankle." Merle spits at me. I roll my eyes and flip him off with my free hand. He chuckles loudly and grabs my finger, bending it backwards. I hiss in pain and he continues. "Keep that finger to yourself or I'll break it off and eat it. It's better than the crap we have to eat now anyways." 

I yank my hand away and stick it in my jacket pocket along with my knife, sighing. Rick stands beside my side protectively and Merle scoffs, but says nothing.

We walk for an hour more and my injured ankle is in much more pain than normal. I cry out and collapse on the road, pulling my knees to my chest so Lori doesn't trip. Carl sits beside me and takes his torn shoes off and examines a blister on the heel of his foot. Rick takes out a can of vegetables.

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