Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to My Sister, who is one of the reasons that this story was started... I <3 you!

Thank you to everyone who has read/commented/voted or fanned. I <3 you all! If you can, please check out my other story, "An Angel's Kiss". I won't take it offensively if you don't. So.... I'm surprised at how well this story is going, you all seem to like this one the best out of everything I've written. So, again thanks.

And now, I will shut up and let you all read!!


Chapter 3

When Domini woke up she immediately felt eyes on her, watching her, examining her. It was not the most pleasant experience.  Black hair on the nape of her neck stood on end, and all in all, she felt extremely paranoid. Silently she sat, hoping that she could find some indication as to who- or what-was watching her. Turning around, she saw a flash of silver, before it blended into the wall. Domini rubbed her eyes, hoping that she wasn’t seeing anything. That would be bad, especially considering that it was only her second day here.

She tried to stand up, but her left hand was painfully jerked back, and Domini fell back onto the bed. Rubbing her wrist ruefully, she remembered that last night her friend some lab assistant had come in and chained her to the bed, claiming that she was “too dangerous to be left unchained”. Domini figured it meant that they thought she might try to escape and end up harming them. She shouldn’t have been surprised at how well they knew her, but she was. The labs knew basically everything about you, from your hobbies to what time you went to bed at night. Sometimes it was creepy.

Domini rarely ever got nervous, which was why she was unhappily surprised that she felt that way when the door opened. When she determined that it was not the… person she knew, a large sigh emerged from her lips, and her shoulders slumped slightly. It was a lab assistant that she had never seen before, and she was glad of that. It was worse to meet someone you used to know turned your jailer, than it was someone you had never known that was now your jailer.

The lab assistant who had walked in smiled gently at her when he/she saw Domini relax slightly. After a closer examination, Domini realized that it was indeed a male. He did not look very much like her friend the lab assistant who had come last night, but Domini still felt a prickle in her heart. She had always missed him, and would always miss him.

While Domini was lost in her thoughts, the lab assistant slipped out the door. She looked around, disoriented for a moment when she realized that she was alone. She almost wished that someone would come in to talk or interrogate her. That way, she wouldn’t be all alone with her thoughts. Domini did not want to be alone with her thoughts- at least not now. She wasn’t ready to think about her friend/ emotionless lab assistant, and maybe she never would be.

Despite the fact that it had taken her a while and lots of tossing and turning for sleep to find her, Mrs. Jetson felt surprisingly well rested.  Before even opening her eyes, Mrs. Jetson reached her hand out to her husband, but only found the cool covers of the sheets- which were already folded. Concerned, she got out of their bed and looked around for something to tell her where he was. She did not find anything.

Padding down the doors after she dressed, Mrs. Jetson went down to the kitchen. There would be no work for either of them today, and not for a long time. The F. B. O. P. wouldn’t let them go until they were sure that no one would harass them or accuse them of being a part of the rebellion.

At the table, she saw a very distraught looking Mr. Jetson. His head was in his hands, and he didn’t even look up when she entered the room. That was what worried her the most. He always looked up when someone walked into the room, to at least greet them.

Silently, she pulled a chair out and sat down next to him. Only then did he look up, and Mrs. Jetson drew in a sharp breath. Dark, nearly black, purple circles surrounded his eyes. His voice cracked when he spoke,” I’m going to have to do my work from home now on. The F. B. O. P. doesn’t think it’s safe otherwise. I agree.” Mrs. Jetson looked at him, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

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