Chapter 14

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Mrs. Jetson stared at her husband. “What was that?” she hissed quietly. The sheer fear and excitement were still quite clear though.

“That was something that I am afraid that we don’t have time to discuss right now. I am sorry; we must leave immediately.” Mrs. Jetson was almost excited that he would not have to explain anything right at that moment, but then he realized that it would be more than ten times worse if somebody else had to be there when he broke the news to her. It would be worse if she did not know that person, and chances were that she wouldn’t. “Just come with me. Please,” Mr. Jetson’s voice broke on the last word.

Mr. Jetson desperately wanted needed Mrs. Jetson to come with him. It all hinged on her next decision. He did not know what he would do if Mrs. Jetson decided that she would not trust him. The look of indecision was clear on her face. Just as he opened his mouth to speak she pressed her small hand into his.

Slowly, Mr. Jetson breathed out a long sigh of relief and led her into a small tunnel. He pressed his fingers into his lips as sign to make sure that she knew to be quite. He did not need to; Mrs. Jetson barely had enough air for her to breath, much less stat talking. Besides, she had guessed the importance of staying silent, especially after hearing that voice outside the front door.

Behind the two of them, the small door slid shut. Mr. Jetson hit an almost invisible button- everything in the room would get rearranged. Within the passageway there was also a small monitor that had been wired into the house’s security system. Luckily, Mr. Jetson had wired it so that the monitor was technically not hooked into the system- as far as anyone else knew, of course.

“We are coming in now!” The shriek startled Mrs. Jetson while Mr. Jetson remained calm- he was used to this kind of stuff; Mrs. Jetson was not and did not need to be. Mr. Jetson carefully gripped her hand tighter, reminding her that he was there with her and there was no reason to be afraid.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Jetson had their eyes glued to the monitor, watching their wonderful home being invaded with the F. B. O. P. and others who were too blurry to see clearly with the camera. Mr. Jetson could see Mrs. Jetson’s eyes filling with tears and he felt his own eyes mirroring hers as her distress reached him.

Mrs. Jetson started to tense up when the F. B. O. P. started coming up the stairs, getting closer to where they were hidden at the moment.  Mr. Jetson felt her hand tense in his grip, which even though already tight, tightened even further. Mrs. Jetson was actually kind of glad for it; the pain in her hand made her forgot for a moment what was happening- and what she did not know.

Slowly, the people who were not F. B. O. P. started coming closer to the room in which the passage that they were currently in lay within. The door opened. Mrs. Jetson quickly pushed herself closer to Mr. Jetson, who wrapped his arms around her silently.

If they were going to die, they might as well die together. At least, that is what Mrs. Jetson thought.

Domini was still thinking about her parents. She had nothing more to do as of the moment, and Aliyah did not seem to be coming back anytime soon. What Domini really wanted to do was talk to Lavinia. There was just something about her that made Domini need to see her again. Lavinia had brought some memory that either Domini or someone else had concealed (for her). She wanted to know what it was. The memory that Domini had hidden was very important to her. Without it, she would not know everything about her life.

In Domini’s mind, there was nothing more important than knowing who you truly are. And you can’t do that without your memories. Without them, Domini Jetson would be nothing. She would not know who she was; you would not know who you are.

Shaking her head, Domini tried to get rid of her slightly morbid thoughts. It was not working. Sighing, she slumped back against her bed. There were things that she did not want to think about; her memories and her parents were only two of them. The list could be quite long after Domini actually thought about it.

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