Chapter 24

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(This is not the very end, there's still the epilogue xx)

Chapter  24:

Something was wrong. There were raised voices, and they all struck at Domini’s memory. It was like she…knew the owners of them. But she could not. Domini knew, for sure, that she had absolutely no idea who on earth these people might be. They wanted her though, she was sure of it. The things that were going on around here just seemed to inexplicably attract to her. No, wait, only the dangerous things that were going on around here attracted to her.

Domini smiled grimly. She felt a sense of finality in her, like all of this was going to be over soon. It was an odd sort of feeling, one that many people did not feel, and feared feeling. Domini was not afraid. If all of this was going to be over soon, the only emotion that she could feel was happiness- no matter how sad or upsetting it might truly be.

Slowly, she stepped out of the room, wobbling on unstable legs. As of now, she was still unused to walking around. Her “father” had said that it would be bad for her at this moment. Seeing as there really was no other person that she could trust, Domini would have to go on a whim. And she was beginning to think, that maybe, he was right.

She began to wobble slowly towards the room that all the loud voices were coming from. For a moment, she hesitated just outside the door, unsure of what to do. Then, her name (in the conversation) caught her attention, and Domini froze.

“What do you mean, ‘save Domini Jetson’? The deed is already done!” Domini knew this particular voice. It was the voice of the man that she had been staying with for as long as she could remember. Granted, that was not very long, but still, she knew this man. As he continued on, Domini withdrew herself enough from her thoughts to hear. “-and there is absolutely nothing you can do to get those back. They are gone.”

He spoke the last three words with finality, and Domini understood that immediately. What was gone- something of hers, obviously. But that was preposterous! There were no memories that had been taken from her. But maybe, just maybe, there was.

What had her “father- Mr. Jetson” said again? “’What do you mean, ‘save Domini Jetson?’ The deed is already done,” she whispered under her breath, trying to make sense of the words. “And there is absolutely nothing you can do to get those back. They are gone.” What could be so important about her that they needed it back. Domini wished that she could remember something that she had recently lost, but she had no memory of anything.

That was when she realized. They had to be talking about something of hers, and the only thing that she had recently lost was her memory. But how, and why, could that be so important? Domini pressed her ear closer to the wall, straining to hear what other words were being said. She cut into the middle of a conversation. It seemed as though two people had broken away from the rest of the group and were talking within themselves.

“Domini’s memories,” sniffle, sniffle, “cannot be gone.” The voice rose to a wail. “She has to remember us! We are her parents!”

Domini stumbled back from the door as though she had been shocked. She did not know what to make of what that person had said between her tears. It was quite obviously a female, and she was Domini’s mother!?

As the thoughts that she was having were beginning to get too overwhelming and were getting too heavy on her conscience, Domini decided that she needed to hear something else. Maybe she could find something out about why her memories were so important!

This time, she crept towards the voices that sounded most important. A door was thrown open, and Domini shot behind an upturned table to hide. Her “father” stepped out, and walked down the hallway, thankfully in the other direction. Domini crept up close to the doors that were still propped open and listened. All of the voice sounded familiar- but she could not place where she had heard them, nor was she able to name them. But she knew them- they had to be from her past!

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