Chapter 12

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Mr. Jetson was trying to avoid talking now. He had always known that he would have to tell his wife sometime about the secrets that he had been keeping from her, but now that it was time, Mr. Jetson had no idea what to say to her that would come off as remotely normal.

Right now, he was glad that his office was soundproof.

“Well?” Mrs. Jetson was staring at Mr. Jetson expectantly, waiting for him to talk.

Mr. Jetson rubbed the back of his neck; it was a sign that he was distressed. Mrs. Jetson knew that, but she did not get up to comfort him. She figured that he would not want that right now. Not while he was attempting to tell her something important. He opened his mouth to speak. Just as he did so, the phone rang. The shrill sound of the phone’s tone filled the office; cutting off what Mr. Jetson had opened his mouth to say.

Mrs. Jetson slumped back in the seat. In her excitement, she had leaned forward, over the desk. Now, she was hoping that the phone call would not interrupt what Mr. Jetson was going to tell her; but she knew that her hope was in vain.

Mr. Jetson’s work phone had an entirely different number than their home so as not to disrupt what Mrs. Jetson was doing. Somebody could not have called Mr. Jetson’s work phone and asked for Mrs. Jetson. No; the phone was definitely for him, and was probably going to put their conversation on hold.

Slowly, she rose from her chair. Even the way she walked could tell you that sadness emanated from her.

“Wait!” Mr. Jetson called her back from where he was sitting: still behind his desk.

But when Mrs. Jetson turned around, she saw that Mr. Jetson’s eyes were filled with fear. He even looked shaken to the core.

“What is wrong?” she whispered, attempting to console him.

“They- The….” His voice trailed off. Mrs. Jetson just stared at him. In all the years that they had been married, she had never seen him act like that.

Something was wrong. It was even more wrong than what Mrs. Jetson expected. It was then that she realized: that whatever was bothering him not only involved their family, but a whole lot more.

How could Mrs. Jetson know if she herself was part of the problem? Because for all she knew, she could be. Mrs. Jetson was probably part of the problem.

For all you know, you could be part of the problem too.

Domini was still staring at the other girl. The other girl who was standing directly across from Domini, and right next to Vesper. It was unnerving, to Domini, to see one who looked so much like one of her best friend. This girl looked almost exactly like the way that Celastrus did before she disappeared. Domini gathered her courage to ask a single question.

“What about…Where is Celastrus?” she whispered, looking all of them in the eyes: just daring them to look away. “And, who are you?” Domini raised her hand to point at the girl, who was the first to break eye contact with. Slowly, Vesper broke it too.

Aliyah stepped forward. She put a comforting hand around Domini’s shoulder. It took all of Domini’s willpower and more to keep from shrugging the arm of, even though she knew that Aliyah did not mean harm. Right now.

After a moment of silence for Celastrus, the girl spoke.

“My name is Lavinia.”

Domini Jetson just stared at the other girl. Her voice quivered when she asked, “What is your surname?” Her hands, which had once been steady, were now shaking erratically.

“I have never known what it is. When people are referring to me, they always refer to me just as Lavinia.”

“Then how come….” Domini’s voice trailed off in speculation. She was still staring at Lavinia, but this time it was slightly different than last time. This time, her eyes held a flash of…recognition within them.

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