Chapter 17

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Rodriguez was worried. He was so worried, in fact, that he was nearly biting his nails in anticipation. Every time he caught himself doing that he tried to remove his hands, but it was to no avail. His hands kept on going back up right after his concentration was diverted off of them.

He was pacing back and forth in his little office/ room, trying to convince himself that no one had seen anything. It was truly not working, and that was really scaring him. Usually, he would usually be able to convince himself that nothing was wrong, and could just move on with his life. Growing up with a dad like he had had, that was a skill that Rodriguez had to learn to bear and master. For the most part it actually helped, just not in this one.

Honestly, Rodriguez just did not know what to do. He had never had to deal with a situation such as this. The only thing that he was entirely, extremely, one-hundred percent sure of was that no one had seen him walk in and out of Domini Jetson’s room. Other than that, it was all fair game and he was free to worry about that.

Rodriguez hoped that his dad had gotten custody of the girl. If she had been lost, then everything about him would be compromised, and he would have to leave immediately. Rodriguez did not want to do that. This was his home now, and he would never be able to justify the fact that he had had to leave everything. It was especially so because it would not be his fault- it was his father’s fault. All of that would be blamed on his father, and it would all be because of Domini Jetson.

The thing that Rodriguez really did not understand was why his father wanted, needed Domini Jetson so much. It is not like Domini had met so much to either him or his dad- as far as he knew. The only thing that he could come up with would be that his dad had found out something, some sort of information, that was classified and he could not speak of with Rodriguez. That said, there was not very much talking going on in the relationship between Rodriguez and his father. It mostly consisted of his dad yelling at him and Rodriguez nodding at all the right moments.

Rodriguez hoped that maybe, after having helped his father out so much, their relationship would be off on a better foot.

Somehow, he did not think his dad would be very happy with Rodriguez’s train of thought.

Mr. Jetson was watching as Mrs. Jetson slumped along beside him. He wanted to comfort her, but was not sure how she would accept it, and if she would even accept it at all! Mr. Jetson felt pangs of pain in his chest, where his heart should have been. There was so much that he had not told Mrs. Jetson, and once he finally did, he had absolutely no idea on how she would take this.

Mrs. Jetson was already so fragile right now. Mr. Jetson could not stand to destroy what little hope she had left, but he knew that he would eventually have to. If he did not tell her, then Mrs. Jetson would be even more hurt, thinking that he did not trust her. That was not the case at all. He was trying to do whatever he could to protect her, but now he did not even know what he supposed to be protecting her from.

In Mr. Jetson’s mind, that was one of the worst things that you could ever be faced with.

He also felt like he had an impossible choice in front of him: he was stuck in between a rock, and a hard place. He could not choose between telling and not telling Mrs. Jetson of his…..extra activities. He had kept them from her for so long, it was almost going to seem odd for him to be able to share such information with her. Plus, she knew nothing of what had actually happened to Domini.

Mr. Jetson was wishing that his life was so much easier right now. He wished that he did not have to hide so many things from his wife. But the main thing that was on his mind right now was: how could he manage to tell Mrs. Jetson before they got to her destination without having her start freaking out? If Mr. Jetson was sure of one thing, it was that Mrs. Jetson would be very unsure as to how to handle this. She might even leave Mr. Jetson because of the stress and shock of the information that he might tell her.

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