Here we meet again

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I wake up with a smile. For some reason I feel like, today is going to be a nice day. I climb down from my bed and go to the washroom.

After completing my morning works, I go downstairs to join my family. My eyes fall on my dad, who is reading newspaper. In general, dad leaves for work early in the morning, so today I'm kinda amazed to see him at home this hour. I walk over to the dinning table and sit on my chair.

"Hey dad, what are doing here this time?" I ask directly, my dad doesn't mind at all.

He puts the newspaper down and smiles at me, "Today I'm going office a little later, so I can spend some time with my family. Moreover, I'm taking you school today."

A big smile spreads across my face. I don't have to go school by bus today. "Oh dad, I love you," I stand up from my chair and give him a tight hug.

"This girl annoys me so much," I hear mom complaining, coming out from sis's room.

"What's wrong mom?" I ask, sitting back on my chair.

"Your sister was saying that she'd not go school today. But somehow I managed to change her mind," informs mom.

"But why?"

"Because she's really tired and wants to take some rest."

Last night, I slept earlier than usual. I was also really tired after everything. I didn't notice when my sister arrived last night. Probably really late.

Finally sis comes out of her room, rubbing her eyes and looking at us with annoyance. "You all are the worst," I hear her mumbling. She takes her seat beside me.

Mom goes to the kitchen and comes back with a full plate of toasts. She puts it down and serves us. I look at my sis from the corner of young  eyes, she is still yawning. I'm actually really curious to know what happened last night in absence of Sid in Shreya's party.

I poke her with my elbow to get her attention. She turns to me with an annoyed look, "What?"

"How was your party?" I ask in a very low tone, I don't want my mom and dad to hear our conversation.

"It was amazing," she replies with a stupid smile.

"Did you meet Sid?" I ask, although I know the answer really well.

"Nah, he wasn't there. But we had fun with other guys."

So neither Sid nor Shreya is serious about their relationship. They truly deserve each other.


As I enter the class, I find Debina talking with Nas as usual. I'm happy to see Debina at school, I didn't expect her to be here today. I thought that she would take rest at home. I walk over to them.

"Hey guys, good morning," I greet them with a sweet smile.

"Good morning, Renu," they greet in unison.

I take my regular seat beside Nas and join them, "So what you guys were talking about?"

"That stupid was stalking me today," informs Debina with a sigh.

"Aditya (aka weirdo)?"

"Yes. I don't know how but he got my address."

I look at Nas who is trying hard not to laugh. "You?" I mouth. Nas nods, covering her mouth with her palm.

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