The book cover

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Today I've no school, it's Saturday and I had decided that I would spend my all day downloading some games but my sister changed my plan yesterday. I've to go somewhere with her, where? I don't even know. But I can expect her friends to be there, she never goes anywhere without her friends.

After brushing my teeth, I walk downstairs. I find my sister talking with someone on phone. By her voice I assume that she's talking about something important. I go closer to her.

"Yeah, I'm bringing her," she says to the person on phone. 

"Okay, I'm just coming."

"Yeah, bye."

And she hangs up. She turns around and finds me standing behind her. 

"I hope you remember that we're going somewhere today," she reminds me.

"Yeah, of course I do."

"Great. Now sit on your chair, mom is bringing the breakfast."

I sit on my regular seat. I look at my sister who is sitting right beside me. She still hasn't told me where we are going. If it's something related with Shreya, then I'm definitely not going. I've to find out where she is taking me.

"Hey, sis," I say.


"You didn't tell me where you're talking me."

 "I was about to tell you," she says, "We got a project in English to write our own story. The story is completed, but we need a cover for it. The teacher told us that the cover has to be handmade, no matter who draws that and you know, none of us can draw. You're the only person who can help us because you draw really good. So, you've to come with me, there we'll discuss about the story and you've to draw its cover which fits for the story."

This task is as hard as easy it sounds. Drawing a cover which will fit with the story is actually a hard work. And I've not touched my paint brushes for almost two years, so I don't know if I still draw as good as I used to draw before. "You're so annoying, sis," I mumble to myself.

"You're doing this, right?" she asks, giving me the puppy look.

"Do I have any other choice?"


I sigh, "I'm going to do this."

"Oh my little sister!" she hugs me so tightly that I can't even breath. She lets go of me soon. 

Mom comes with our breakfast and puts it down on the table. She sits on her chair and serves us.

"So where you two are going?" asks mom, taking a bite of the bread.

"Sangita's house," answers sis. "We'll work on our project there. Renu will help us too," she informs.

"Sounds good," mom comments, smiling at me.

I just hope that I won't mess up anything. God, help me (Well, I know that you won't.)


Sangita's mother opens the door for us, and greets us with a smile. We enter the house. It's not like this is the first time I'm here, I came here before on Sangita's birthday. Don't think that I hate every friend of my sister, I actually like some of them. I'll explain it soon.

We enter her room. Five people are present there, including me and sis.

"Why you two are standing there? Sit here," Sangita says, gesturing at the vacant sofa.

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