Chapter 5

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You sat on your bed, doing the abundance of homework your tutor had assigned for you.

What you hated was that he set the same high expectations as someone would your father. However, you were nothing like your father.

He was outgoing and charming, while you preferred to stay away from the social gatherings and curl up with a lovely book.

"Miss Jefferson, you got a letter," your handmade, Lana, spoke. Lana had beautiful dark-tone skin and curly locks that she kept tucked away in a bonnet.
She was very tall, and had a nice build.

You quickly jolted up, snatching the letter off of the silver platter Lana had set it on.

"It's from that Hamilton child your daddy said for you not to talk to, ya' best not cause any trouble now. If ya' do I'm gon' have to tell your daddy." Lana scolded, making her way out of your room, making sure to not turn her back to you.

You smiled, ripping open the letter. His cursive was messy and needed work, but you could still understand his words.

'My dearest friend,
I am thrilled to hear from you. I'm doing lovely, thank you. How are you doing? I know yours and my father have been getting into an unfathomable amount of debates during the cabinet meetings. I attend a boarding school in New Jersey, and as you know everything is legal in New Jersey. At least, that's what my father says. Did you know that in Jersey they hold an uncomfortable amount of duels every day? What do you think happens if two or more pairs of people schedule duels on the same day? Do the parties wait their turn to be killed? Anyways, I hope to hear from you soon, and I expect to see you when the new school year begins.
Your best friend for eternity
P. Hamilton'

You felt your chest tighten, and a bright smile was etched into your features.

Your father entered, his hair a mess and his magenta suit slightly wrinkled.

"Daddy, how are yo-"

"I've found a school for you to attend. It's in New York, and is only a few blocks away from the courtroom where my daily meetings are held. You sta-"

You gasped, dropping the letter. "But, I had an idea to go to a boarding school in New Jersey. I can have the Hamiltons ta-"

Your father burst into laughter. "You want me to have that small, angry man that argues with the entire world to be responsible for ensuring your education? Ahahahaha, I don't think so!" your father yelled, wiping a tear from his eye.

You huffed, looking around your room for inspiration. That's when it hit you, yours and Philip's father were currently the biggest political foes in existence. "Hamilton's son Philip attends the school. If I get close to his son I get close to Mr. Hamilton. I can get to know all of his secrets." you suggested, giving your father an innocent smile.

Your father opened his mouth to say something, then instantly closed it. "That's not a bad idea. Having my daughter inconspicuously do all the work I've been trying to do for me. It's ingenious! I'm so glad I came up with that! Alright, you start during the next school year, I'll have the cheap labor prepare your things right away!" your father boomed in excitement, exiting your room.

You smiled, picking your letter up off of the floor and pressing it to your chest. "I can't wait to see Philip again!" you swooned.

Philip Hamilton X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now