Chapter 33

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You walked into your first class, your professor giving you an angry scowl as you entered. You attempted to find a seat but everyone scooted away from you with disgusted looks.

"Miss Jefferson, please take a seat. You're disrupting my class time," your professor instructed. You swallowed some saliva, attempting to dampen your dry mouth.

"Y-Yes, sir." you answered, taking a random seat all the way in the back. Everyone had moved towards the front in an attempt to avoid you.

You could hear the banter of your classmates from in front if you, their snickers making your cringe as you began writing what the professor wrote upon the chalkboard.

"Isn't that the girl who's father is extremely elitist?"

"I heard that she's a carbon copy of him,"

"We'd better make sure to stay away from her, or else her precious father might make us one of his hundreds of slaves,"

"Shame on her, thinking she's better than all of us because of her father. Look at her, sitting all alone like she's too good for us,"

You wanted to reply to them, to tell them that they were wrong. However, your words were stuck in your throat, and you couldn't say a word.

"Wake up!" Philip yelled at you, lightly shaking your body. You jolted awake, your forhead coliding with his nose. Philip jumped back in pain, and you quickly tried to comfort him.

"Philip! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" you shouted, jumping out of bed to comfort him. He held onto his nose with one hand and comforted you with the other, attempting to show you that he was, indeed, okay.

"I'm fine, but you'd better start getting ready, today's your first day of school!" he chuckled, making your eyes wide as saucers. After your dream you weren't sure how you felt about going, and the pit of your stomach churned with that familiar feeling.

"Philip, I'm not sure I feel like going," you admitted, taking a seat on your bed, your elbows on your knees. Philip took a seat next to you, putting a supportive hand on your back.

"Why not?" he asked you. You sighed, looking up at him with a fearful expression.

"Do you remember when we first started school. My first day in an actual school, when I was too fearful to introduce myself, too scared to stand up to Geo-" his name stung on your tongue. You couldn't say his name.

Philip's hand moved to your shoulder, squeezing it supportively. "You don't have to say his name. I know you aren't ready,"

You nodded, suddenly standing up from your spot. "What if nobody accepts me? What if it's another repeat of the events that occured all those years ago?" you asked him, your heart racing.

Philip rushed over to you, encasing you in a tight hug. His embraced soothed you, and you quickly embraced him as well.

"You're amazing. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be beloved by all, " he whispered in your ear. You nodded in understanding, letting your emotions calm themselves.

"Now go get ready. You have less than twenty minutes,"

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