Chapter 10

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You arrived back to your estate in Monticello, the sky taken over by an inky darkness.

You grabbed your things and made your way inside, a small sprinkle of rain beginning.

"How was your day, miss?" one of the help, Eponine, asked you.

"It was lovely, Eponine! I had such a wondrous time!" you swooned, dropping your bag onto the floor.

Eponine chuckled, handing you a golden platter with a small snack. "I figured you'd be hungry, so Cosette and I fixed you a snack!" she smiled.

You curtsied in gratitude, taking your things and making your way into your room.


A loud knock sounded on your door making the entire room shake. "Come in!" you called out, eating another biscuit while you finished up the remainder of your homework which you couldn't complete with Philip.

The door opened revealing your father in the doorway. He walked in slyly, a bright smirk on his facial haired features.

Without any words being exchanged you handed him the parchment.

He thanked you, planted a light kiss on your temple, and made his way out of your room.

"3... 2... 1..."

On cue, you heard your father scream in excitement, which made you giggle. The man was a rock, so when he let his stature demeanor drop it was absolutely hilarious.

You placed your golden tray onto the coffee table in your room, which was a signal for the maids to pick it up if they happened to come in.

You placed your book bag onto the skillfully embroidered chair next to you, then blew out your almost-put-out candle.

As sleep took over your exasperated figure, you couldn't help but think of your marvelous day with the Hamiltons. "I just can't wait for when I get to see them again..." you sighed, looking out your stain-glass window.


Back at the Hamilton's Philip was jumping up and down in excitement, exclaiming to his mother how much he loved being with you.

"Ma', you don't understand! She's so amazing and she's the bestest friend ever!" Philip exclaimed, throwing himself into bed.

Eliza chuckled, tucking her small son into bed. "Philip, promise me this: when the time comes, do not throw away your shot." Eliza whispered, giving her son a loving kiss before retreating into the other room.

"Sure. Whatever that means,"

"Do you have to live so far away?"

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